Kirito and Niara

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Flashback Sequence~

The half russian girl crossed her arms angrily. "What do you mean you 'didn't make a reservation'? We are not spending the night outside like this!"

The blonde haired boy shrugged. "Whatever."


"Not really."

"Wha- I-"

"May I help you?" A girl with brown hair stood nearby, facing them. Her green eyes seemed to reflect determination and annoyance at once. She asked the question with english.

The russian girl sighed and replied in the same language. "My aquaintence and I are lost. We've got nowhere to stay for the night." The blonde rolled his eyes but said nothing.

The brown haired girl nodded, understanding the situation. "I see. Then how we become friends and you two stay over at my place?" She seemed to wonder afterwards if she was too straight forward, but the russian took no notice and nodded vigorously.

"Of course! It doesn't matter where as long as it's not outside. And it'll be a bonus to be friends with you while at it." The russian gave a smile. "The name is Niara by the way. Niara Levanov." She looked annoyed as she pointed at the blonde haired boy. "The guy wearing a prison outfit is Kazama Kirito."

"Prison?!" The brown haired girl lost her composure for a second.

"Eh? Oh nah. I was just kidding. See?" She pointed at the shirt. "It's just the style. There's a '24' on it on his chest too. And at the back, there's a barcode."

"It's not a barcode. I'm not for sale."

"Of course not. No one would buy you even if you were anyway."

". . ."

The brown haired girl was at a loss for words. Were these two strangers always this weird? She shook her head. "My name is Olivia Nixon."

Niara smiled at her. "Nice to meet you, Olivia!"

Olivia nodded. "You too."

Flashback End~

"And then we met her parents. Her mom freaked out pretty bad, but who wouldn't when they see Kirito?" Niara smirked as she retold the events to the others on the table.

Kirito rolled his eyes. "Her dad was really happy to meet us though. After staying there for about two days, we went back to Omega Dain."

"Personally, I was most surprised when you spoke perfect Japanese." Niara said. "I mean I know your mom is Japanese, but you only spoke english with us until I saw you playing Touhou."

Olivia nodded. "Yes. And after I beat your score, I remember we had a battle and it ended with a tie."

"You guys must've had a lot of fun." Gouda said. Sendou wasn't paying attention. He just stared across the gates to the elementary playground.

"Too bad we had to go back to work." Niara muttered. "But the slouchy over there won't let me stay."

"Orders are orders." Kirito replied.

"I don't want to hear that from someone who constantly breaks the rules." Niara said, crossing her arms.

"Hey guys." Jin came with his bag over his shoulder and sat down with the rest of them.

"You're late. That's new." Kirito stated.

"Eva had a problem. It's just the automaintenance though, nothing to worry about." Jin replied.

"Really? But Mizel got to her last time because she had maintenance, right?" Gouda asked.

Everyone went silent until Sendou uppercut the green haired boy. "Idiot, you actually had me there for a second. Mizel isn't even around anymore!"

With that everyone sighed in relief. "Right... I forgot about that..." Niara said.

Olivia frowned, but soon replaced it with her usual straight face. "So that means your friend should be okay, right? That's good."

"Yeah..." Jin too, lost his composure when Gouda said that.

"Ah.. Sorry 'bout that... But you didn't have to hit me!" He scolded Sendou. Everyone sighed again.

"So she decided to skip class today?"

"I know. She can do whatever she wants because she's the teachers' pet."

"Ugh... Smartass."

"Nah, she just has the whole internet in her head."

"What a freak."

The group looked back and saw the middle schoolers all talking together. From those insults alone, they know who they were talking about.

"Gouda. Sendou." Kirito called  standing up.

Gouda brought his knuckles together. "Yosh. I'm in."

Sendou smirked. "Their in for a hell of a time."

"What's up with you three?" Niara asked, eyes filled with confusion.

"It ain't a secret that Eva's being bullied. Even if she tries to hide it from us." Gouda said with a shrug.

"We figured we should give 'em a scare too." Sendou's smirk got wider.

"Truth is, we've been planning for a while." Kirito said, with his usual laidback tone. "Don't worry. We won't hurt anyone."

The three casually walked over to their juniors. Jin, Niara and Olivia just watched. The three of them seemed to be against this, but not one of them wanted to hear whatever trash they say about their friend at home.

"Hello there juniors." Kirito called out. The girls all seemed to want to squeel seeing them approaching and the boys' eyes are all filled with admiration. His expression went from nice to annoyed. "Don't you know how rude it is to talk behind someone's back?"

"The Tower." Sendou said, pulling out a tarot card. "Chaos and destruction... My-my, that's quite the path you chose." His smirk turned got so wide one would think he was the Joker. "I wonder if you'll even make it there."

Gouda cracked his knuckles and his expression seemed to be angry from the start. "To put it bluntly. If y'all are, even just a bit, grateful to us about saving the friggin' planet, you'd do well to remember that girl you called a freak, is one of our closest friends."

All the juniors frowned and immediately left, seeing how angry all three seniors are. Some walked away while others walked past them, they seem to want to head past their table. When those juniors looked up, they notice three more of their seniors were blankly staring at them. Their walking got faster.

"Heh, that did the trick." Gouda said proudly.

"Let's just hope it lasts." Sendou muttered.

Kirito sighed. "Either we completely patched things up, or things might get from bad to worse."

Niara's eye twitched. "What do you mean, 'it'll get worse'?"

"I said 'might' not 'will'." Kirito replied. "And you should know what I mean."

Niara furrowed her eyebrows. "So they'll either leave her alone or they'll just go after her more."


"Then why did you do that?!"

"Can you really stand another day with them insulting her? Besides, if it was you, you would've actually tried to hurt them, right?"

The other four, who were until now just listening to their exchanges, had surprised looks. Niara rolled her eyes and looked away. ". . . I hate you."

Kirito scoffed. "The feeling is mutual."

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