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The walk down was silent and slow. They had to be careful with where they step as the stairs were old and not completely sturdy. Niara kept the light on while Eva used Twilight to check the steps as they go. After a few minutes, they managed to get to the bottom.

Looking around, they found a lot of boxes stacked in the corners and plenty of other old things all over the room.

"I'll look for a light switch." Niara said. Eva nodded and started heading for the boxes.

The blonde reached to pick one up, but just as she managed to get a hold of it, the Russian flicked the lightswitch on, revealing over a dozen LBXs hidden behind the boxes.

"Whoa!" The blonde stumbled back, dropping the box, making all of its content spill out.

"What happened?!" Hugo's voice came from Niara's CCM.

"Apparently, we walked in on some trap someone set up." Niara replied dully.

"You wha-?! At your own house??" It was Kirito this time.

"I don't know, man. This is my first time down here. Dad never allowed me to come." Niara said. "Now, please hold. We have a few LBXs to take down." Without letting them answer, she ended the call and let out Zeema Drezion.

Eva scattered to her side, right as the other LBXs landed by where her feet were. She let out Twilight and Mizel scanned the situation from her wrist. They're all Gladiators, Kunoichis and Hunters. It should be no problem for you two.

"You say that, but with this many..." Eva muttered back. "Not to mention, how good the LBX is doesn't just depend on specs. The player is the one we need to look out for."

"I don't know what Mizel said to you, but it doesn't look like they have players to control them." Niara stated.

"And they're not rampaging either." Eva said. "So they're probably moving automatically?"

"I legit had no idea we had this many LBXs down here." Niara said as she set Drezion into a fighting stance. "I didn't even know what an LBX is until I was like... What, eight? More maybe?"

"Maybe someone set them up here just recently?" The blonde suggested, having Twilight float a little.


And with that, the battle began.


"That's a lot of LBXs..." Ami said worriedly as she watch the battle from her seat in the shuttle.

"Hey, are you sure we shouldn't go out there and help them?" Asuka turned to Cobra, who shrugged.

"You just want to go and battle, right?" Ran teased the younger girl.

"Well, I mean, just look at that! There's so many of them, it's making me itch!"

Jessica wanted to make a comment, but noticed how silent a certain long haired boy was. "Yuuya? Are you alright?"

Everyone's eyes turned to the shy boy, who jumped in surprise. "Oh, uhm... I'm fine... I just..."

Kousuke, who sat alone at the back, read through him easily. "It's the younger Kaidou, isn't it?"

Hesitantly, Yuuya nodded. "He seemed so... Frustrated... I wonder if something's wrong..."

"Everything's currently going wrong, Haibara." The blonde replied. "It's weird how none of you have reconciled with each other and yet here you are working together to chase some sort of ghost."

"So then, why are you here?" Kazu asked tauntingly.

"Because it's interesting." The devil smirked at him. "This chaos is interesting. Playing an ex-villain-anti-hero in a story is also interesting. Everything about this is very interesting." He took out Lucifer and showed it to them. "We look forward to see the outcome of all this."

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