Time For School!!! pt1

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Excited was the last thing she felt when she entered the building. Having separated from her friends by the front gate, her smile vanished and felt a wave of discomfort washed over. It's alright. She told herself. Today is going to be fine.

How wrong she was.

"Hey there Evangeline!" A classmate called out once she entered.

She quickly put on a smile and greeted back, "Hi there."

"This is sudden, but can we copy your homework? Please!" they said. "We forgot to do them and they are due today!"

Eva frowned. "Sorry, I finished already and submitted last week..." And here they come...

"What?! No way!"

"Well, she is the valedictorian of the grade."

"I heard she'll move up to high school in another month or so."

Nice things always popped up first, but...

"What else do you expect for someone with a robot's brain?"

"It's not fair! We put effort in our homework and exams, but she just waltz in and waltz out like it was a day on the beach or something."

"Why does she even go to school? There's such a thing as homeschooling."

"She could be home school-ed by those professors she works for, right?"

"She doesn't have to! Her brain is basically the world wide web!"

"You know, rumors are saying that she's dating Kaidou Jin from the next building!"

"No way! She's stealing him too?!"

"What a-!"

She sat down just when the door opened, cutting their chatter short. She sighed. Sensei is here. Thank goodness.


Evangeline Mech:

All through class and recess, i stayed back at class and finished up a bit of extra credit work. The only rumor that was true was the fact that I really am about to be moved up. I want to get out of here as soon as possible and join all my friends in the next building.

The bell rang, signaling lunch time. I placed my books in my locker and went to see the window. I smiled when I saw Niara already waiting for me. She was sitting under a tree in the yard that separated the school buildings. No one ever dares to even get close to that table because it 'belongs' to Gouda and Sendou. They were rival gangs, until the whole thing with the Innovators of course. Speaking of the two, they just got to there and sat down across each other at one end of the table.

I grabbed my bag and headed out to meet them. Niara was first to notice and she waved me over. I sat down next to her and saw that Kirito already there.

"Where's Jin?" I asked after greeting them.

"He's busy with the student council today." Kirito said.

"He got elected without having to be tested or anything. On top of that, no one went against him!" Niara said whilst flailing.

"You have to remember, it is Jin..." Kirito said, drinking... Is that?

"Are you... drinking coke...here...?" I asked surprised. "Where did you even get that?"

"That's what I wanted to know." Gouda said. "I saw a vending machine, but none with coke in it."

"I bought a few cans at the store we dropped by earlier this morning." He held out a can of Pepsi. "Want one?" He threw it at me.

I caught it and smiled in thanks. I looked to the side and saw Sendou staring blankly across the field. I followed his gaze. He seemed to be looking out beyond the school grounds, across the street to be exact. That's where the elementary school is.

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