No Indifference

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The jet landed just on the outskirts of Tokio City, Mizel right beside it. Eva and Niara hopped off and Kousuke flew back to wherever he got that jet.

Eva took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Okay. So we'll just hide at the fortress for now and wait for Kousuke. Then we'll... Um... What do we do?"

"We definitely can't hide forever." Niara said with arms crossed. "Jin would figure it out pretty soon."

"Yes. And-" Mizel went silent all of a sudden as static went through his eyes. When he was back, he turned around to look at the direction they came in. "I see..."

"Is something wrong?" Eva asked worriedly.

He kept his poker face on. "It appears that Kirito was captured."

"That stupid, cocky asshole!" Niara kicked a rock with a grunt.

Eva blinked. "How did you know?"

He held out his arm towards her and a chip flew from his wrist. "He has one as well. We can comunicate through it."

"He has a robo-arm?" Niara asked, forgeting a bit about her anger.

"No, but he has sleeves long enough to hide a bracelet with a mic the size of this chip." He replied. "There's a thin wire that connects the speaker to his ear, so we can contact him whenever we want, but that doesn't mean he could reply just as much."

Eva looked down with a sigh. "Niara, I'm sorry. This is my fault..."

Niara glanced at her with her eyebrow raised. "Uh... Yeah? I know that? I mean we wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't insisted on bringing Mizel back." Eva's head dropped lower, but she continued. "But if you want to branch out more, It's Professor Oozora's fault for creating Adam and Eve that eventually turns into Mizel to cause this whole confusion. And it was Alan Worthen's fault for hiring her? And even then, he got the inspiration from... whoever that girl's name is? The sister of that Lex guy? And she wouldn't have done anything if that Lex guy didn't take over the Innovators and die? And Lex wouldn't have done that if Kaidou Yoshimitsu didn't do what he did to Lex's dad? And Kaidou Yoshimitsu wouldn't have created the Innovators if the government hadn't been so messed up? And the government wouldn't have been so messed up if there weren't people in the first place? So yeah, humanity's all kinds of messed up so i can't blame you." She ended with a shrug.

Eva blinked and so did Mizel. They definitely didn't expect that of all things to come out of her. Eva let out a nervous laugh. "Ah... Well, I mean... You just seemed to be so frustrated when you heard Kirito got in trouble?"

"Oh come on, Eva. I'm always frustrated with Kirito. You know that." Niara smirked.


Jin sighed as he leaned on the door frame. "You knew this would happen, didn't you?"

"Of course I did." The blonde replied, laying down on the bench.

"So you let yourself get captured?"

"Better me than the rest." A pair of cuffs fell to the floor with a clang. He stretched his arms up before bringing them back down behind his head.

Jin frowned at him. "You're really gonna try to escape?"

What he got was a smirk. "I'm not gonna try." Sitting back up, he eyed the other boy. "I can think of at least seven different ways to get out of here before midnight. And another five before dawn. I built the security here and no one can use it to it's full extent besides me."

"... Knowing Eva, they'll come for you."

"Of course they will. Even with the Fire Sweets here, they'll still find a way to break in and out."

"And what then?" Jin asked, concern settling in his chest. "Are you just going to disappear?"


"So we're going to have a rescue mission?" Kousuke asked as he walked in through the large doors.

Currently, they were all in the Kaidou Fortress. Or rather, what's left of it. A few parts of the building had been taken down. There were a few rumors saying it would be to make space for a new lab.

"Looks like it." Niara said with a shrug. "I mean, part of me wants to leave him there to teach him a lesson, but that part of me also knows he can escape on his own anyway. Then the other part of me-"

"Is unusually worried for his well being?" Mizel cut in.

"Pfft. Me? Worried? About Kirito?" Niara rolled her eyes. "He can take care of himself. I bet he's thinking about how to escape right now."

Eva fidgetted in her seat. "I hope I don't have to run into Jin..."

"Even if you do, there's nothing you could do about him." Niara said with a shrug. "He's probably more confused than mad at you right now."

"Knowing him, yeah, he probably is." Eva sighed. "I... I'm wondering if what we're... If what I'm doing is right..."

"You're thinking that now?" Kousuke asked with an eyebrow raised. "You made it over halfway already, not to mention you dragged everyone into this mess and brought back someone who tried to destroy humanity to life-"

"Technically, I didn't die." Mizel corrected.

"Whatever, I don't care." Kousuke shot back. "My point is, you've gotten this far and you plan on going back now?!" And after I just got in on the fun.

"N-no... I'm not going back..." Eva tried to defend herself. "I'm just... Thinking if we did the right thing-"

"Okay, both of you zip it!" Niara yelled, making both sides jump. "I don't want this to turn into one of those movie clichés where the some people did something together and mull over it and have regrets and end up seperating only to be reunited at the final battle with a completely illogical and sudden mutual understanding! Now, Eva!"

The blonde jumped again. "Y-yes?"

"Do you want to be right or wrong?"

"Eh... Uh... Right..?" She said, sounding quite unsure.

"Well then, we're right!" The russian said with her arms spread. "It's that simple!"

The other three in the room could only stare at Niara as she prides herself for fixing this problem in such a manner.


So it's been a while since I updated (in which caae I apologize), but I'm not putting this on hiatus. It's just gonna be slow since I'm currently leaning more into the UtaPri fandom.

Enjoy the chapter and Merry (early) Christmas 2017 everyone :D

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