The People of the World

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Eva? Are you alright? You've been sleeping for quite some time...

Eva blinked her eyes open. She found herself under a tree at a park near the dorms. Confused, she looked around.

Mizel, why am I here?

Don't pretend. You know exactly what happened.

Her whole body tensed up. She recalled being in TokioSiA, talking to Jin before he was called up on stage. Afterwards, she went to a café nearby, watching the event progress for the first hour or two. Then, she spotted her classmates approaching her. They didn't do much. A little tease, a little shove and a little-

Absolutely nothing about that is little. Eva, they insulted you, threatened you, pulled on your hair, pushed you into the fountain... One of them even threw a rock at you and it hit your head! You got dizzy and that's how you ended up asleep here while on the way back home.

I didn't think you could get angry.

Thanks to being around you all so much, I've started to pick up on human emotions. I'm beginning to understand how the human mind works too.

I guess that's one good thing going on.

She stood up and begin to walk towards the dorms, but that's exactly when her CCM rung. "Hello?"

"Eva! Where are you? Everyone's looking all over for you!" Ami's voice resounded.

"S-Sorry about that. I forgot to tell you guys. I'm heading back to the dorms."

"What? Why?" Ban's voice joined in.

"A little tired is all..."

"You sound like you've been through more than just 'tired'." Jin was in the call now too. "You said you were going to stay inside the building. Where are you right now?"

"Sorry... I'm at the park, just a little ways away from the dorms."

"We're heading back too then." Niara interjected. Eva wondered why she sounded a little strained.

"You don't have to-"

"Eva," Jessica cut her off wih a stern voice. "Did you get bullied while we were on stage?"

"That's... It wasn't-"

"Yes. She did." Mizel hacked into the communications line. "She didn't want anyone to worry so she left without telling anyone. She didn't want anyone to cause a scene either."

A small 'I told you so' could be heard behind Niara, to which she replied with a 'shut up'. Ban spoke up. "Are you hurt?"

Before she could reply, Mizel did it for her. "She's cold after she got pushed into a fountain, and her head might have a small concussion after being hit with a rock or two."

"You got hit by a rock?!" Ran yelled. "Niara! I'm joining you on your conquest to beat up whoever did this!"

"The more the merrier!" Asuka joined in.

They heard Jessica sigh. "Eva. You should get some rest. We'll see you at the dorms." Everyone went off the line, except one.

"Do you want me to call your brother over?" Jin asked.

"No. It's bad enough I got you guys worried... I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. We'll be on our way soon."

"Alright then. I'm just another block away from the dorms. I'll wait for you guys inside."

"Rest up in your room and lock the front door if you feel like you need to. I have the spare keys."

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