Conflicts pt2

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Niara thought back to the chat she had with Kirito a while back. She had been rather confused as to why Kirito would agree to what Mizel thought of this world. But after giving it some thought herself, she began to really see why. But still... Why kill?

"My intention was to lead the world into the peace you desired." Mizel explained. "To achieve that, some people had to be... Removed."

"T-that's..." Eva took deep breaths. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Would you still have helped me if I did?"

"... I don't know."

"I may be an android, but like humans, I do not want to die."

"So you used me."

"Yes. I did. In return, however, I will keep my promise. I will not try to conquer the world and I will forever treat you as my sister."

Eva couldn't go against that. She always thought, as long as he kept his promise, nothing would go wrong. But now that she knew this... This is too far. Killing had been something she had always been against. And the one to call her sister had done such horrid actions.

"I know it's not something that can be fixed easily..." She started. "But you have to at least apologize to Olivia."

"I will."

Niara cleared her throat. "I think... We should go back to Kirito's appartment. Before we get caught. It should be just after lunch so..."

Eva nodded. But then another thought hit her. "Wait... How are we going to take you there without anyone knowing it's you?'

Mizel's smile returned and his appearance changed. His hair was way shorter and his outfit changed into a black hoodie with blue pants. The only things that hadn't change were his eyes. They were still sparkling green.

Eva and Niara blinked in surprise. "Holograms?"

Niara poked the hoodie. "Solid holograms... Impressive."

They headed back to the secret entrance and used the rope ladder to climb out. Niara pushed something near the top and the ground above opened up. Eva had given up to question any of this since they arrived. They hurriedly sneaked past the guards and when they reached the main street, they acted as pedestrians passing by.

They hurriedly made their way to the appartment and Niara locked the door once inside. How did she manage to open it in the first place? It's simple really. Kirito never locks. He doesn't see the point when there's nothing important in here. Well, nothing except the Amy-android...

"Kirito, where the hell are you?" Niara didn't shout, but she was still as rude as ever towards him.

The sound of glass breaking caught their attention. It came from upstairs. Kirito's room to be exact. The trio went up stairs to check. Niara leaned on he doorframe as she knocked. "Dude. We heard something shatter. Was it you or one of your soda bottles?" She said sarcastically.

After about a minute of eerie silence, a muffled voice responded from the other side. "Neither."

"Then what is it?"

"Get in if you wanna know."

Niara raised an eyebrow at this and cast a glance at the other two. Eva shrugged while Mizel looked like he probably couldn't care less. "Alright." She turned the knob and let herself in.


Jin and Yuuya went back to the dorms first. Gouda and Sendou went somewhere to battle to calm each other's nerves. Once they reached he front gate, they saw a familiar brown haired girl.

She turned around and waved at them. "Hi. Do you know where Niara is?" She asked them politely.

Jin and Yuuya exchanged glances. "You mean you don't know what's been happening?" Yuuya asked.

Olivia shook her head, confused. "What? Did she get into some trouble?"

Jin sighed and walked past her, opening the door. "We'll explain everything. Come in."


Eva gasped when she saw what was inside. The first thing she found were parts of a robot being scattered. That must be what's left of the Amy-android...

Niara raised an eyebrow. She was looking at how the rest of the room was covered with ash. "What the heck did you do?"

Kirito clicked his tounge. "I... Couldn't exactly bring myself to take her... To take it apart on my own... So I decided to... Make a mini explosion..."

Niara's eyes went wide in shock. "Dude..."

Eva swallowed. "Kirito... isn't that a bit extreme?"

He shrugged and started to walk towards them, barely flinching when he stepped on some cords and chips. He passed them and went to the table beside where they were standing. He took a bottle of coke and popped the cap open. "Want one?"

Mizel looked at the bottle curiously as both girls were still staring at what remained of the Amy-android. He nodded and took the bottle along with the cap. But instead of drinking, he closed it and placed it on the back of Eva's neck. Eva felt the sudden cold touch and goosebumps immediately appeared as she shivered.

He did the same to Niara, who yelped and jumped about three meters away. She hissed at the bottle, but then groaned and shook her head. "Seriously?"

Mizel shrugged and give the bottle back to Kirito, who opened it and drank until half way down.

Eva's gaze went back to the mess. Then she stared at Kirito, who didn't even bother looking her way. She followed his gaze to Niara, who was staring at him too. But instead of her usual smug and annoyed demanor, it was more of a pityful mixed with a rather confused look.

Kirito was first to turn away and he went back to his 'i-don't-give-a-damn' look. "Alright. Get out so I can clean up."

The three obeyed and Niara cast a side glance at the blonde. "Hey. We're probably gonna buy some burgers. What do you want?"

"I'm good with whatever." He replied, shrugging.

"Even onions?"

"I'll fragging murder you."

"There's the Kirito I know and hate." She smirked triumphantly and closed the door, leaving behind a smiling Kirito.


Calm before the storm? :D

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