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Oh my gosh!! What's that over there? *gasp*! An update! After 3 months!


"Wow, the security isn't doing a very good job." Niara commented as she looked down at the guards sleeping by the entrance of the lobby. She was standing on top of a tree branch, much like a ninja would.

"There's still the automatic security systems inside to worry about." Kousuke said from his position in front of the wall.

"Duh. This is why we have the Tech-Twins."

"We're not twins though." Eva's voice came from her comlink.

"Oh shush. It sounds way better than Tech-Sibs."

"Yes, now if you wouldn't mind taking them out?" Mizel's voice chimed in. "I'm done with hacking the cameras outside."

Niara leaped from the tree, above the wall and knocked out the two guards with a chop to the back of their necks. "I'm batman."

Kousuke went in and used his Lucifer's sword to open a panel on the side of the building. He attached a wire from the gauntlet he was wearing to the mainframe. "Alright, Eva, your turn."

Static flowed from his arm to the panel, and after a moment of it blinking red, it light up to green and a certain door near to top floor opened up.

"Done. You two go on a head. Oh and, Kousuke, since you're the one with the gauntlet, take Mizel with you. I'll catch up." Eva's voice came into both of their comlinks as a holoscreen popped up with a data bar.

When it finished loading, a small boy appeared on screen, nodding at the two. "I'm ready. Let's go." The boy said in Mizel's voice. And they began infiltrating the building.


Their plan was simple really. Especially when they have a way of communicating with Kirito. They just have to unlock his door and he'll be able to take care of the rest from the inside.

The gauntlet she and Mizel had made was just a rushed work of putting together scrapped parts. But it worked a lot beter than expected. Well, Mizel had his way of turning holograms to solids, so that might've played a major role.

Eva checked the time on her CCM. 11.30 pm. Everyone should be asleep if they weren't too busy thinking about the "betrayal". She held up a visor and wore it when she got to the front gates of the Tiny Orbit building.

Another thing made of spare parts thrown together. The only thing that made it work was her A.I. Scanning the area, she now has the map of the entire building inside her head. With this, she's able to rival Jessica's photographic memory.

Right when she was about to step in, a gunshot rang in her ears. She took a step back, looking around for who might be the culprit. She found a familiar brunette holding up a CCM and her LBX on her shoulder. "Eva, we haven't known each other for that long, but you know that, in terms of the law, I can't let you get away with this."

Holding up her own CCM, Eva sighed. "I know. This is why I'm afraid of being selfish. But I can't go back, Olivia."

"It's not too late."

"Even if I could turn back time and were given the exact same option, I'd still choose the exact same answer." Lowering her arm, she faced Olivia with an apologetic look. "Okay, Niara told us about what happened, and I'm really sorry for that. But-"

"And she also told me about you. So I won't say things like 'you can't possibly understand how it feels', because you do understand." She said with a sigh. "I think you know better than anyone what it's like to lose someone important. You don't have any more family outside of Mizel, do you?"

Looking down, the blonde shook her head. The elder brunette sighed. "I really don't like Mizel, but family is family." Her arms went down to her sides as well. "Hurry up and go."

Eva's eyes widen, but then she nodded with a smile. "Thank you."

And it was returned. "Anytime."


Kirito walked out of the room he was locked in and stretched. He began heading towards the security room, his CCM in hand and ready to counter whatever that stands in his way.

He had been surprised when Jin gave him his CCM and LBXs back. He was against them, but he couldn't resist helping the 'enemy' side when his best friend could get hurt.

Someone has to take care of those two.

Who would've thought that that lie would've become the truth.

He rounded a corner and stopped at a hallway. Lasers were lined up to make sure he couldn't head to his destination. There seem to be enough of them to stop his Fenrir Flare. He smirked. It seems like the adults have forgotten that he has more than just one LBX.


"Sorry for taking so long." Kirito's voice rang out in all of their comlinks. With that, all the locked doors that was blocking the way, opened up.

"Great job, asshole." Niara said, running through with Kousuke.

"You too, bastard." Came the reply.

"Alright. Now, Eva, take a right in the next one. And then a left on the other end. You'll have to confront a few automatic LBXs, but I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Got it."

"Why don't you just turn them off?" Niara piped in.

"I'll explain the short way. Remember how Detector attacked all those cities? He used a central computer to automatically re-program those LBXs right?" Without letting anyone respond, he continued. "Well, this is the same thing and the central computer isn't in the security room. I'm leading Eva to where she'll be able to find it and shut it down."

"All by herself?!"

"Niara, I'll be fine. Don't worry so much."

"We've got our own problems to deal with anyway." Kousuke pushed Niara to another hall when a drone came at them. "Since when was this place a fortress??"

"Yeah, that's my fault." Kirito replied in a laid back tone. "Still, if anything happens to Levanov, I'm holding you personally responsible."

"... You really are an asshole." The other blonde replied with a sigh.

"You know I can hear you, right?" The russian girl said in an annoyed tone.

"Yeap." Kirito switched his focus on Eva. "What about you? Have you made it to the room yet?"


"Almost. I'm sort of pinned down at the moment." Twilight slashed through another LBX to make room for her to run through. "I might take a while."

"Eva, our escape depends on you." Kousuke voice came. "No pressure."

"Stupid!" Niara scolding tone resounded through as Kousuke groaned in pain. "Eva, just focus on what you have to do. We're almost to the security room."

"Roger that." The line went dead and after getting rid of another two LBXs, she was finally able to round the corner safely.

Entering the room, she made sure to close the door behind her before working on the contraption. It was a simple computer and shutting down the systems seem easy enough. She didn't want to damage it in case there were real threats that might attack in the near future.

Real threats. Were they now considered as real threats? They did go against the law after all. Bringing a terrorist back, former or not, would bring major problems to the system.

She shook her head. It's too late for regrets. She has to see this through. She has to prove the world she's right. Because knowing that she's wrong and still continuing on is too frightening to bare.

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