Another Clue

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It was getting dark and the storm still hadn't cleared up. Everyone had gone to do their own thing while Hugo had Cobra help him in going through the contents of the box. Jin had other plans though. He knocked on the door and received a muffled 'Come in' before entering.

He spotted Eva working on fixing Triton. He didn't try to take it back earlier. The first reason was because she was still in slight shock and he didn't want to make it worse. The second was because he got kicked out by Cobra along with the rest.

She looked up at him and awkwardly smiled. "H-Hi..." He only nodded and sat down in front of her. Her expression fell and she went quiet again, finishing up the last bits of maintenance on his LBX.

Mizel stayed silent. Currently he was in the form of a cloak for Eva instead of the usual watch. He stuck to her back to keep her warm and listened patiently to whatever is going to happen.

Jin thought back to earlier, to how happy everyone was despite literally hating each other just moments before. He found it surreal that all this happened in a span of two or three weeks. Or... was it less? He didn't really know anymore. He felt a part of him relax seeing Eva right in front of him and not running away like she had been. All that's left to do is to patch up whatever holes still exist.

"Um..." She stuttered, snapping him out of his thoughts. "I uh... About this whole thing, we... I-I..." She swallowed before letting it out in one go. "L-Look, I'm really sorry. I know if I told you, you'd be against this and clearly you were and probably still are, but you have to believe me now. Mizel saved me and I promise I won't let him hurt anyone ever and I'll take full responsibility over whatever he does."

He didn't even need to think about it. "I believe you." He couldn't help letting out a smile. "Actually, I'm sure the only one against this now is Cobra. And the others that we left in Tokio."

A thin smile spread across her face, but soon she was frowning again. "Do you think Professor Oozora would still try to get rid of him?"

"We can explain everything to them all later." They stayed silent for a minute before he suddenly wrapped her in a hug. "After this, things will go back to normal."

She didn't hesitate to return it. "I hope so."


They all met in the conference room again for dinner. Everyone was happily mingled with each other now, except Kousuke. He chose to stay in his corner, only exchanging words with Kirito every once in a while. Once everyone is done, Hugo turned the holo-screen on to reveal a similar program like the orb in Eva's body.

"This is something we extracted from a flashdisk." He explained. Then, he showed them some old papers. "And this is everything else that's in there."

Jessica picked one up. "Music sheets?"

"Your mom must've really loved music." Kazuya muttered.

"She used to say that it's an easier way to express how she felt rather than talking about it." Hugo replied.

"So I guess whatever song is written on here is what the code is for the program?" Niara asked.

"I don't think that's the case this time." Kirito said. "The title is already written, but if you look down here, there are some lyrics missing."

"'Paradigm Box'?" Kousuke read out. "That's interesting."

"Why are the lyrics..." Yuuya trailed off, unsure of how to put it.

"They're kind of sad..." Hiro muttered.

It's also chaotic. Eva heard Mizel's voice in her head.

What do you mean by 'chaotic'?

I can help you listen to it while you read the notes.


Just grab the notes.

She did and as she skimmed over them, she heard music playing inside her head. "Wow, it really is chaotic."

"What is?" Asuka asked.

Mizel came out of his watch form, surprising everyone. Well, most of them were surprised, only Cobra felt threatened. Nonetheless, the android picked up the music sheets and in less than an instant, music began playing from the monitor. Hugo hummed in thought as he listened. Then, as soon as the song came to an end, he began typing on the monitor.

Eva peered over his shoulder. "You know what lyrics are missing?"

"The blank spaces have the same word." Her brother replied. "'Illusion'."

As soon as he typed it in, the program did the same thing as the previous one and showed six numbers.

"More coordinates." Jin muttered.

"I'm on it." Cobra had his own mini-computer and connected it to the holo-screen.

He searched for the place it specified and an image of a large building appeared. It was tall and seemed to have different sections. There were people in the image and they seemed to be very professional-like. Beside the building was a field and there were more people, but they were wearing sports uniform. However, the most noticeable feature was the large clock at the top of the center building.

"It looks like a school." Niara said.

"It's the National University of Country A." Jessica spoke up. "There are a lot of professors who are doing research and work there, much like the observatory back at Brinton. To keep all those private documents safe, outsiders aren't allowed in. Unless they have special invitations."

"Then, how do we get in?" Ran asked.

"Jessica," Hiro called. "Do you think Director Kaios could get us permission?"

"Or maybe Hugo-san." Ran suggested.

Before either of them could reply, Jin shook his head. "No need. We can head over there right now and I'll let a friend know we're coming."

"A friend?" Ami asked.

"Jin, don't tell me..." Ban trailed off.

"When you went to study in Country A, you actually-" Eva was cut off.

"You went to university before you got into high school?!" Kazuya finished, yelling in surprise when he pieced it together.

"It was more like private tutoring, but yes." The black and white haired boy replied.

"Well then, you can contact that friend tomorrow." Hugo said. "The blizzard probably won't let up until morning. Telecommunication lines are most likely having interference. We can manage everything after we take off. Now, you're all dismissed."


They all finally get along! Yay! Life or death situations really do bring people together :'D

Paradigm Box is also a song from the Caligula anime.

Also, because of the drafts I have for this book right now, I think I can update like every two days or so. Whoopee!!!

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