Scattered Memories

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They had just barely reached the foot of the Duck Shuttle when it exploded. The ones outside took cover behind the wheels. Almost in an instant, there was heat, snow and an earthquake. It was over as soon as it began. The hangar door of the ship opened and the rest rushed out in their coats.

Ami was first to ask. "Did Eva made it out?"

Hugo swallowed. "I sure hope so."

"She didn't." Jin was the last one to run out. "She was still inside that room when I lost Triton's signal."

They were silent as they watched the smoke clear. Ban had seen at least three friends die before him and a sense of fear came over him, much like what happened when he witnessed Uzaki Yuusuke's death. Kirito had a death grip on his own arm. He felt anger rising within him, but refused to say anything. After all, he knew there are others who cared about her more than he ever did. Hugo was making bets. He was still hoping from the bottom of his heart that she was safe somehow. Jin didn't know what to think. He has a feeling somewhere in his gut that she was okay, but he didn't want to wish for something as far fetched as a miracle.

Kirito turned to Niara, to find her frowning, but otherwise calm. It surprised him. It was her home that was destroyed and her friend that was gone along with it. He had expected her to be in denial. Then he saw her eyes widen. "Guys! There's something there!"

They all turned to find a green light in the distance. Running pass the crater that was once a cottage, they let out cries of relief. Eva was alright.


Mizel didn't even need to think. He had already prepared himself the second Eva decided to stay back. Before the blast could hit, he shape-shifted into a sort of cocoon and covered Eva, Triton and the album. The explosion pushed them up into the sky and they landed rather roughly in the snow a couple seconds later. Eva had her eyes closed as she held Triton and the album close to her chest, almost afraid to let them go. She was trembling rather badly, whether it was because of the cold or the shock, he couldn't tell.

Are you alright? He decided to ask.

No response. Instead, she continued to tremble, trying to steady her breaths.

Mizel decided to scan the area to make sure no one else was caught in the explosion. Luckily, it was just them. He let out a glow to signal the others that they were alright. When he released the upper part of the cocoon to reveal her, he heard sighs and cries of relief. Hugo bent down to pick her up and they ran back to the ship, Eva still clinging on to Triton and the album. He laid her down on one of the beds in the girls' room.

Niara bent down beside her, staring at the album. "So that's what she was trying to do..." She reached out to pick up the album from her hands, only for it to be grabbed back by Eva herself.

Eva, now with eyes open, had finally calmed down and let go of the album. "S-Sorry..."

Niara shook her head with a smile. "Nah, it's fine. I'm honestly more worried about you than this thing." She said, pointing to the album.

"Eva, any burns, bruises or glitches?" Hugo asked softly.

She shook her head. "I'm okay. Just a little cold, is all."

"Alright! Everyone, leave the kid to rest!" Cobra ordered.

Everyone except Hugo walked out, as he wanted to make sure everything is okay. Hiro left the box on the table beside her before joining the rest.

They sat in the conference room. Right when they got back in, the blizzard got worse and Cobra had deemed it too dangerous to take off. 

Ran was the last to come in, having gone to the bathroom first. She looked around and found everyone in a conversation with each other. She let out a smile. None of them have had a chance to relax when this whole thing started and right now, somehow, the room finally gained a comfortable atmosphere. She spotted Niara sitting in the corner with Kirito, Yuuya and Asuka and decided to join them.

"You don't look too different as a kid." Asuka stated, pointing at some of the pictures in the book.

"Don't tell me that's the exact same scarf you're wearing." Kirito said, looking at another one.

"So what if it is?" Niara retorted. "I love this scarf. It has so many rips in it, and each rip is from a different incident. Like this one was from when you and I were heading for the National Defense HQ." She pointed to one of the many rips on the scarf she's wearing.

"Oh yeah, I remember that." The blonde nodded. "It got caught on a rock while you were jumping down the cliff."

"And I nearly died." She finished nonchantly.

"That's just over exaggerating."

"By the way..." Yuuya trailled off in his thoughts before continuing again. "Niara, are you sure you're alright? That was your home that..."

"Oh, I'm fine." Niara said, still smiling. "That place hasn't been my home for a long time, so it doesn't effect me."

"But... Now you've got nothing to remember your parents by." Ran jumped in. "All you have is just that album."

"And I'm completely fine with that. Ever heard of 'to live is to lose'? It's like that." The Russian shrugged. "Besides, it's not like crying is gonna bring them back to life."


Niara is sad, but she strong ;;

And Eva is okay :)

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