Old Friends and New

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The sky had finally cleared the next day. They took their seats in the cockpit and Jin made a call. The rest of them could agree easily that it was nice to see him and Eva sitting next to each other again. They were both quite happy about it too, even if they'll probably never admit it. At this point, it was probably considered a mission to them to get the two together. Or at least, the girls see it that way.

The trip took a two hours. Even with the storm gone, the snow still made it difficult to fly at a high speed. The Duck Shuttle landed on the empty field across the university. They all got off with Jin leading the way.

At the enterance, a police guard blocked their path. "Halt. Do you have permission to be here?"

Jin opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by a woman's voice. "Stand down. They're with me."

The police guard nodded and let them through. They went through the gate and spotted the woman who granted them entry. She had long brown hair and black eyes. She was wearing what seems to be some kind of uniform.

"Reina-san, it's nice to see you again." Jin greeted.

"Likewise." She replied, her face nearly void of emotion. She began to walk deeper into the building. "Though I didn't expect to meet you again here."

The others followed them, keeping quiet as she and Jin talk. "Where did you expect our next meeting?"

"The school."

"I think I've told you that I have no intention to be a teacher."

"We'll see about that."

"Um, hello?" Niara inserted herself into the conversation.

Jin cast a side glance to her before turning back to the brunette. "Everyone, this is Mito Reina-san. She is one of the students here. Reina-san... You already know who we are."

"I do."

Niara stared at the two for a moment before blinking. "And... That's it? No background? No story? No telling us hOW YOU TWO MET MAYBE?? Because I don't know about the rest, but I'm confused as hell."

"You're not here to question irrelevant things, so there's no need for small talk." Reina stopped by a door and knocked before opening it.

It led to a large room with many bookshelves. At the back, there was a man, hard at work on a desk full of papers. The brunette walked up to him. "Father."

The man looked up and smiled. "Reina." He glanced at those behind her and his smile widened. "Jin. Good to see you're well."

"You as well, professor." He replied.

"Professor..." Hugo muttered out loud, earning the attention of other. "She called him father and her name is Mito... Then you're Mito Eisuke? Neuroscience specialist?"

"And you must be Eric's most prized son."

"I'm his only son, but yeah."

The man scanned over the group, knowing them all from the Mizel incident. His eyes stopped at the blonde girl that looked very much like his friend's son. "And you are Evangeline, no?"

Eva nodded hesistantly. "N-Nice to meet you..."

"Exactly as Jin described." Prof. Mito said to himself. He stood up and faced Cobra and Hugo. "So what is it that you need my help with?"

"We think that Hugo's parents hid something here some time before Aval-Tech went bankrupt." Cobra explained. "You seem to know them, seeing as how you recognize their kids right away."

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