Another Friend?

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Niara Levanov:

I still can't get my head around what the professor said. Eva being possessed by Mizel? I mean come on! Sure he got into Olegion, but LBXs don't have conciousness!

. . . it'll be cool if they do though.

Like they could be alive. Like humans.

And then we'll have an awesome time and-

Ack! Niara! Quit getting side tracked! Ugh... (*slap soundeffect)

I sighed and got up. Monday. Oh, how I hate Mondays. The end of the 'fun' weekend. The start of another torturing week. I got dressed and walked into the kitchen, feeding myself some cereal. It's one of the rare days that I'm the first to wake up on a school day. I'm usually second after slouchy or Jin, or if I'm feeling lazy I'll be the last.

I cast a glance at the digital clock. 5:30 am... Maybe I got up too early. Whatever. It doesn't matter. Kirito, if he didn't stay over that Tiny Orbit again, should be out of his room in 5, 4, 3, 2-


There's the door opening. He stretched and walked past me, taking a mug from the cupboard and some chocolate powder before pouring hot water into it. He hissed a bit when the hot water sort of splased onto a finger.

I scoffed. "Did your posture get worse over night or is it just cause you're sleepy?"

He rolled his eyes at me. "It's early, Levanov. You're insulting me already?" His attention reverted back to his mug. "Then again, you are especially grumpy on Mondays."

I smirked at that. "Does that give me a pass for making fun of you every Monday then?"

"As if." He scoffed. After a bit of silence, he opened his mouth to speak again. "It's different this time, isn't it?"

I blinked. "What is?"

"Your attitude. It's for a different reason this time, right? Not just your usual, 'I hate Monday and I'm going to drag at least one person down with me even if it only lasts a morning' act." He looked up and faced me directly. "You're still caught up about what Oozora Haruka said about Eva right?"

I glared at my cereal. ". . . yeah." I shook my head. "I hate it when someone says Eva is just a robot! She's not! I mean, yes, she has an AI, her brain has to be treated with a machine or chip or whatever called an Optima... But come on! It's not that simple! Like... Like you know!...You know... You know, right?"

"So you figured it out." He smirked. "You're not as braindead as I thought."

I glared at him. "Hey! If you knew from the beginning, you should've done something then!"

"She doesn't want other people to interfere. She thought it would be a bother to others. And she's holding up pretty well if I could say so too." He replied, finishing the mug of hot choco. "Besides, you knew from the start too. So you're no better than I am."

I closed my mouth after that and continued to glare at the empty bowl. Eva's being bullied and none of us did anything just because she didn't want us too? I clicked my tounge. That definitely didn't sound right.

"I agree with your rant though." He suddenly said. "It's almost 2052. There's nothing weird with someone having an AI for a brain. If anything, it's amazing how far technology has developped." He sighed boredly. "Sadly, just because they rarely see it, they classify it as 'weird'. People like us can easily say we've seen weirder."

"Well that's one thing we agree on." I muttered. I can't help but smile at this. "Does this mean the world is finally ending?"

He smirked. "I hope so. That way, I won't have to see your face anymore."

I chuckled. "Unless you get dragged down to hell along with me."


Kaidou Jin:

At lunch time, Niara came to the table dragging a brown haired girl with pigtails. The girl had a bored look plastered to her face the whole time.

"Kirito! Dude! Remember her?" She said, pointing at the new girl.

Kirito raised an eyebrow at her. ". . . Olivia Nixon?"

"Hello." She said in a bit of a brittish accent. "It's been a while."

"Sure has."

"Guys, this is a friend Kirito and I met while we were at Brinton." Niara said smiling big. "After we battled at the clock tower, Kirito told me that he DIDN'T MAKE ANY RESERVATIONS TO ANY HOTEL so we wandered around the park a bit and Olivia saw us and she offered us to stay at her place." Kirito rolled his eyes at the part where Niara was shouting.

"Nice to meet you." She said with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you too." Eva said, stsnding up and shaking her hand.

"She just transfered to my class this morning! Isn't it great?" Niara said with a large smile.

Olivia sat down next to Niara and gave her a bored look. "Sure."

I sweatdrop. It doesn't look like they get along well at all...

"Oh yeah. Hey Niara, have you bought the new version of Touhou yet?" Olivia spoke up with a bit of a smile.

Niara's smile turned into a look of surprised. "It's out?!"

"Duh... Since last month..."

"No way! How did I not notice?!" Niara fake cried a river.

I sweatdrop again. Nevermind...

Eva seemed to be fond of them after just a small while. "Olivia, do you battle?"

Olivia looked up at her then took out an LBX from her bag. "This is Andromeda."

"A strider frame... Is that a Freya?" I asked.

"Costumized." Olivia replied.

"Nice. How strong are you now?" Niara asked.

"Stronger than you at best." She smirked.

Niara blinked, but then smirked back. "Oh it's on!"


Evangeline Mech:

"So that's how we met her." Niara told Yuuya and Hiro what happened during dinner.

If you're wondering, Hiro sometimes come over for dinner too, on weeknights when the professor is too busy to come home and cook.

"And the battle ended up as a tie? Wow, she's got to be pretty strong then." Yuuya said. Then he blinked. "Olivia... Nixon was it? Her name sounds familiar..."

"Does it?" Gouda asked. Jin and I shared a glance and went into thought as well.

I nodded. "Yeah... I thought it was too... I just can't get a grip on where..."

Sendou pulled out a tarot card. "The Hermit. The answer would reveal itself..?"

Gouda rolled his eyes. "No sh-stitch sherlock." He quickly corrected himself while looking at Jin, who nodded.

I sweatdrop. I already know what those 'bad words' mean... I smiled slightly. Well at least they make an effort to tone it down. I don't like it when people start to just randonly cuss at each other.


But the Author sure does XD

Olivia Nixon belongs to rirura23~

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