Not Exactly a Reunion pt2

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"Okay. Now what? This place looks really big and I don't think it's a good idea to split up." Olivia stated.

"We're assuming that they took Professor Yamano and the rest captive, so they should be in some kind of cell." Kirito thought out loud. He shone the light of his CCM around the room and found a computer. "If that thing works, we might have at least a hint of the area."

"A map would definitely be helpful." Niara muttered with a nod.

The four went to the console and Kirito began looking for ways to turn it on. After about five minutes, he began letting out whispers and grunts of frustration. He checked the wires about eight times, the screen fifteen times and everything else about thirty times. Then he stood and groaned. "Lev, do your thing."

Niara had an eyebrow raised, but didn't voice her question out loud. She bent down and folded her arms together. "Kazotsky kick!" After kicking the console about ten times, the screen lit up.

Olivia and Eva both stared in wonder, but neither of them spoke up. Instead Kirito shook his head while walking up to the console again. "Russian culture is completely wack, but it worked so I'm not complaining." He muttered.


Kousuke sighed in boredom as he tapped his fingers on the side of the chair. He had been staring at the screen for a full twenty minutes and he was getting nothing. He clicked his tounge. "I still don't get why you're here instead of patrolling. This place is huge. It's gonna take a lot more than three people to keep watch out there."

Izayoi huffed. "Then why are you here?"

"Because I know this place inside and out and I know how the security works." The blonde replied.

"I lived here too, you know."

"You're a lab assistant, not a security guard."


"It's true, isn't it?" Kousuke leaned his head back until he could see the other boy. "You're here because the Oozora mother got you permission to and you work for her as an assistant. You have no experience in handling this building's defenses. I bet you can't even point out five of all the secret passages in this place."

"Hallway 3, 5, 8, 14 and 19." The silver haired boy replied quickly.

"I figured you'd answer those. Hallway 3 and 5 are barely a secret to anyone living here. Hallway 8 is the one that Ban used once that leads to the joint room between Jin and Eva's. Hallway 14 and 19 are from the north and south sides respectively, both intersecting Hallway 15, heading for the lab." Kousuke shook his head. "I bet you didn't even know how many doors there are in Hallway 23."

"Hallway 23 is an open space. I highly doubt Kaidou Yoshimitsu would put any kind of door there." Izayoi said bitterly. He was really getting annoyed.

The Devil in front of him smiled. "3 vents, 11 passages and 13 trapdoors. And to think, that's the Hallway that people mostly use to go anywhere."

Izayoi grunted and left the room in frustration. He wasn't going to get anything from arguing with that man. He went outside to patrol from one of the rooftops.

All the while, Kousuke grinned. "Finally! No one to stare at me anymore! Now I can do my-" He turned back to the computer with wide eyes. "Who the hell."


Professor Yamano was the first to wake up. He found himself on cold steel floor with everyone else asleep around him. He looked up and found the wall in front of him completely made of glass. He looked back and the wall behind him was just like the floor and it was flat. They were stuck inside a cage.

Then he turned back to the glass. He spotted the LBX that had captured them. It was facing him, but the light in its eyes weren't on, so he assumed it was on in sleep mode. Now that he could get a closer look at it, he noticed that the LBX might not be an LBX at all, but instead, it's a regular robot. Well, as regular as a small, non-combat robot would be. What intrigued him was the little piece of fabric it wore like a cloak, as well as the strange cardboard box it had for a head.

Sirius... I know that name. But from where?

His thoughts were cut short when he heard small groans. He looked back and found the kids all waking up. His father insticts made him run over to Ban first, making sure his son was alright.

"Where are we?" Was his first question.

"We're in a cell. Whoever created that LBX must've dragged us in here while we were all out cold."

"I don't even remember going to sleep." Ran said, rolling her shoulders.

"It must've been some kind of gas." Jin replied. He checked his pockets and his eyes widen slightly. "They also took our LBXs and CCMs."

"Well, what do we do now?" Kazuya had his hands on his hips, frustrated about the entire situation.

Sendou clicked his tounge when he checked his pockets. "They took my cards too."

"We're inside a cell and you're worried about your stupid cards?!" Gouda growled angrily.

"Oh, shut up! They've gotten us out of trouble tons of times before! Sometimes they even warn us!"

"Oh come on... This is hardly the time..." Hiro said as he watched the two arguing.

Yuuya looked around and spotted a screen on the other side of the glass. "H-Hey, look there! It's Eva!"

Jin's head snapped to the direction of the screen. He was right, Eva was there along with Kirito, Niara and Olivia. They looked like they had some kind of plan. Did the adults find them and asked them for help? Either way, all he could do now is hope that they'll be safe.

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