Memories pt2

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This time, they entered a bedroom. Sitting here was a man working on something in a small box with a boy watching from beside him.

Ban blinked for a minute before smiling widely. "This is... Dad! Are you seeing this?!"

The professor chuckled. "Yes. This is rather pleasant."

"Aww... Ban, you're so cute!" Jessica exclaimed.

"That's the prototype of a core-skeleton, right?" Ami asked.

"Yeah." Ban nodded excitedly. "This is the first time I've watched him worked on LBXs."

Vampire Cat jumped onto the bed and stared at the box for a good while. "Wow! That doesn't even look like the core-skeleton we use!"

"It was the very first prototype." Prof. Yamano explained.

"It's what I based Sirius on." Hugo added. "I just added stuff to it."

"Like the cloak and the box on its head?" Ran muttered.

"Well, yeah."

"But this is amazing." Hiro said. "I feel like we're watching a special cutscene of a character story! Oh! But if this is a private thing for you two, then sorry about this whole thing happening!"

"Don't worry about it." Ban reassured. "I'm happy to be able to share this with you guys. This memory makes me happy, so I'm glad it makes you all happy too!"

"Oh, wow. What's this?" A new voice joined them. All them took a fighting stance out of reflex when they noticed the LBX that appeared at their side.

"Lucifer?!" Yuuya exclaimed.

"Yo." Kousuke greeted. "I heard you guys were doing something interesting so I borrowed one of the pods and connected myself into the system."

"You do know that once you've connected, you can't get out until we're done, right?" Otacross pipped in.

"I figured."

"Hey! How come you get to go in, but we don't?!" Gouda growled.

"Because he doesn't take orders from us." Sendou replied with a sigh. If it was the same him from last year, he probably would've done the same. But he wasn't. It took him a while to realize and get used to, but he was getting pretty friendly towards them too.

"That's right." Kousuke smirked. "I have Nixon and Kusunagi to thank too."

"You two?" Takuya turned to the ones in question.

"Technically, we didn't go against your orders." Olivia stated. "You said we should stay as back up. You never said anything about Kousuke."

Izayoi shrugged. "What she said." Though in reality, he felt bad for going behind Prof. Oozora's back like that, even if she didn't seem mad.

The adults all sighed. Kids these days...

Kousuke clicked his tounge. "So then... If I got the idea right, then that prototype is the key to the next memory, right?"

"How do you even..." Ran shook her head. "Nevermind."

They headed for the next memory with Lucifer leading the way.


"Alright, so karma got me." Kousuke muttered as he watched the scene unfolding before him.

His younger self was curled into a ball against the door, listening to the yelling coming from the other side.

"Well, this got awkward really fast..." Asuka muttered.

"Don't worry about it." The blonde shrugged. "At this time, my parents were going through a messy divorce. They were also talking about sending me abroad. I don't really care anymore. I'm an independant soul now."

"Not to mention how good you got at LBXs during your time away." Kirito commented.

"No kidding. Even got this... What did that person call it, again? 'Overload'? It's cool, but... well, brain damage. Not using that again unless I really have to."

"What about your heterochromia?" Niara asked.

"... I was born with that, stupid. It's why I didn't have many friends when I was younger. They all thought I was creepy. Legit, only Kirito was okay with it."

"And I'm still trying to figure out how your friendship works."

"After his win, we just kept in touch." He was referring to the convention he had mentioned on their jet ride. "I got sent abroad around the same time he ran away from home."

"Kirito what?!" They all froze in shock.

The blonde in question sighed. "They weren't supposed to know that."

"They would've found out eventually. Especially in here." Lucifer turned back to the little boy. "Well, nevermind that. You all know who my father is, so I don't have to explain anything about that."

"What about your mother?" Ami couldn't help but ask.

"Oh. She left. I don't know where she is, but honestly, I don't care. She chose to abandon me after 'failing to excorcise my demons'. Probably the stupidest reason anyone could come up with to justify being a piece of crap to their own child, but it was her reason. I don't mind not having a mother like that."

"Failing to exorcise...? She beated on you.... Because of your heterochromia?" Kazuya said slowly.

"Yeah. Really dumb, right?" It seems like none of this even bothers the blonde anymore. He had accepted it all and decided to live the way he wanted to. Niara felt that tinge of admiration, but also envy. She kept this to herself however.

"So what's the key?" The Russian asked.

He hummed. "Probably my phone."

"Why?" Yuuya asked.

"Wait for it." He began counting down. When he reached zero, the phone rang and his younger self didn't hesitate to pick it up.

"Kazama. How's it on your end?"

An almost familiar voice came from the phone. "Kamiya. The usual. Ataru's being a brat." Hearing that name, Kirito cringed. "You?"

"I just heard what they were saying. I think they really are gonna send me abroad. Country A probably."

"With a plane at the airport or...?"

"Pretty sure it's my dad's private one. The one he keeps behind Goliath."

"Great. So we stick to the plan. When are you leaving?"

"Some time in two weeks."

"Alright. See you then."

"Yeah. Don't get caught."

"As if that'll ever happen."

The call ended and the younger version of Kousuke had a proud smile. He payed no attention to the conversation going on behind his door. He laid on his bed and fell asleep.

No one knew how to react to that. Kirito himself seemed uncomfortable about it. Kousuke remained indifferent. They all decided to just touch the key and head for the next memory.

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