Conflicts pt4

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Olivia walked home with her usual blank face. "I'm home." She muttered.

Her mother smiled at her from the living room. "Hello dear, back already? I thought you were going to play with Niara."

"I was. But they weren't home." She replied. "I'll just play baseball in the backyard if you don't mind."

"Alright, but remember, we have windows." Her mother said, smiling sweetly.

Olivia nodded and went to the backyard, baseball and bat in hand. She hit the ball a few times on her own, softly so the ball doesn't fly to anywhere she doesn't want it to go. After a while, she decided to just sit in her room and wait for whatever will happen next.

What would father do if he was here?


Niara sat upside down on the couch, trying to kick Mizel, who was floating again.

Eva was watching from a distance alongside Kirito. She sighed. "Niara, although I don't want you to hurt him, won't you have a better chance of hitting him if you're right-side-up?"

"No duh Eva. But I said I'm gonna kick him, so I'm using my legs." She ended up on a handstand, lost balance and toppled over backwards. "... FLIPPIN SKUNKS!!"

"I know you're only coding the real bad words." Eva said with a sigh.

"That is quite the indecent language for a girl." Mizel said as he stared down on her.

"I don't care. I never asked to be one anyway." Niara muttered as she got up and brushed herself off. "Well either way, are we gonna go home now or should we wait?"

"Wait?" Eva asked. "For what?"

"A declaration of war." She replied with a shrug. "I mean, Kirito did say that Jin's bound to have told on us so do we leave when they make their move here or do we leave right now?"

Mizel had static in his eyes before replying. "They are already contacting NICS HQ."

"So we'll have to fight Jessica and Asuka?" Eva asked, slightly uncertain.

"Nah. I'll do it." Kirito said boredly. "You three get back and find a place to stand ground."

Niara furrowed her eyebrows. "So... You're bait?"

"I'm a diversion." He corrected. "Battling isn't the only thing I'm good at."

"Even if we want to, the people in the airport would have to be checked in. We need to find an alternative way back." Eva stated.

"What about contacting a fellow... Devil?" Mizel suggested.

Niara and Eva exchanged glances, but Kirito seem to understood. "Yeah. That could work. He's always been a middle man since the Innovator's defeat."

Eva froze. "Wait... You're not thinking about calling Kamiya Kousuke... Are you?"

"Kamiya Kousuke?" Niara blinked. "That's the guy with the original Lucifer, right?"

Eva nodded. "Yeah... But he still gives me chills."

"Don't worry." Kirito said. "You haven't met the new him. I'd say he's better than Levanov."

"Oh haha, very funny." Niara said, rolling her eyes. "I'll be dragging you down to hell with me so just be prepared when you meet satan."

"I already have." Kirito smirked.

Eva sweatdrop as the two continue to argue. She glanced at Mizel and decided to get back to the main topic. "How will Kamiya Kousuke help us?"

"Kamiya Craft has their own helicopter." Mizel replied with a blank face. "We can ask him to get us back to Japan that way."

Eva blinked. "We'll be riding a helicopter half way across the world?"

"Or a private jet."

"Will a private jet fit us all?"

"It had better. Otherwise, I really don't have any other solution."

Eva sighed. "I don't have any ideas either..." She nodded. "Alright. Let's contact him. But how do we know he won't turn his back on us?"

"Simple really." He patted her head. "He has the same views we do."


The group, minus Kirito, left to an abandoned area. There were hardly any people there. Niara stayed quiet the whole time. She was mentally fuming about how stupid Kirito was to stay behind and the like. The other two can sense she was in a bad mood so they didn't want to bother her.

The jet came soon enough and just as Eva predicted, only two people could fit. "What should we do?"

Kamiya Kousuke sent his gaze at them one by one. "Mizel can fly, right? So he can just stay hidden above the wings. As for you girls..."

Niara climbed on. "I think we both can squeeze on the chair. We're small people after all."

"It won't be comfortable." Kousuke warned.

"It's better than sitting on each other." She retorted. She helped Eva climb on and they managed to take half a seat each.

Eva nodded. "Yeah. Okay this is fine."

Kousuke jumped into the front cockpit, closed the hatch and prepared to take flight. Mizel floated above one of the wings and managed to keep up with the jet's speed.


Kirito looked out the window just in time to see the jet blasting off. He finished erasing any trace of anything that was in his computer. Then he heard knocking from the front door. No emotions came to him when he stepped on whatever chips or wires remained of the Amy-android.

He went down stairs to open the door. The people who stood before him was none other than Izayoi and team CLW. The four had come all the way to Country A on their own. Probably found out about his adress through the adults or something.

Izayoi stepped forward. "Kazama Kirito. We demand to know where Mizel is."

Kirito smirked. "You just missed them."

The three girls had already pulled out their CCMs.

Philicia went first. "Glyphs!"

Then Susan. "Ezili!"

And then Lillian. "Kannon!"

Izayoi glared at him and did the same. "Ultima!"

Kirito analyzed them one by one. Top three of Malaysia plus one lab assistant... His teasing smirk turned into the one he thought he had lost a while back. The same evil grin he used to taunt Ban and the rest.

He casualy tossed a D-egg and pulled out his CCM. Just like how it used to be...

"Deqoo! Joker! Hakai-O! Fenrir!"


Wow, it's been a month since I updated. Hiii :)

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