Time For School!!! pt2

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"Hey Jin." Eva said, smiling at the said boy sitting next to her.

He greeted her with a nod, before sighing and laying his head onto his arms on the table. Niara looked over out of curiosity and began poking his head. "Hey Jin, are you alive?"

". . . barely..." He let out a groan and used one hand to stop Niara's poking. "Let me get some decent rest at the very least..."

"Problems with the student council?" Gouda asked.

"It wasn't that bad, but there was so much work even for me..." Jin sighed. "On the bright side, the preparations for the festival are going well..."

Niara had a smug look plastered to her face. "Next time, I suggest you don't  become valedictorian in the entrance exam. You could've gotten 98 like those other two did, but nooo, You just had to get 100."

Jin shot back with an annoyed look. "It's not my fault they couldn't figure out the answer was -1xy + 3z. Besides, that was just number 10. The number that took me the longest to figure out was number 48."

Niara blinked. "48 was about the theories of electrical induction, right?" She smiled. "I gave up on that and went with C."

"Why C?" Kirito asked.

"Because C stands for correct!" Niara said proudly.

Jin rolled his eyes. "That's not how it works, but you got lucky that time because the answer really was C."

"Wait, are you guys talking about math or science?" Gouda asked.

Sendou had a bored-mixed-annoyed look on his face. "You forgot about how the entrance exam works already? It was 50 questions mixed between math, science, English and Japanese. 10 questions for math and science each, 15 for English and Japanese each."

"Yeah. The first ten was math, the next 15 was English, then Japanese and the last was science." Kirito said.

"I hope I can move up to your class soon..." Eva said with a sigh.

"You're running out of time." Gouda said. "The year is coming to an end. Safe to say you enrolled pretty late. Jin, Niara and Kirito too."

"You might have to wait until the next school year and try to move up to our grade." Niara said.

Eva nodded. "I know, but I'm hoping so I could do it by next month."

"Don't do it." Jin said, sitting up. "If you decide to get it all done by next month, you'll be pressured for another month just so you could stay the same grade as us. The time is way too limited." He patted my shoulders. "I know you've been working hard. But it's for your own good. Even you have limits, Eva."


Evangelnie Mech:

Right then, I felt cold stares pointing to my direction. I took a short glance behind me and saw a whole group of girls, all from my class, glaring daggers through me.

I nodded at Jin with a stiff smile. "I guess you're right." Who knows... I might even die before next week... I silently giggled at the thought. 

Then Niara slammed on the table. "Alright! We've been chatting for twenty minutes straight while waiting for Jin! Now come on! We only have another fifteen left to eat." She brought out her lunch box. "Let's dig in!"

After lunch, class resumed the way I thought it would. Cold stares, whispers and papers occasionally getting thrown my way. I did the most sensible thing people would do here. Stay ignorant. It won't stop over night, so what else can I do?

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