Not Exactly a Reunion pt3

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"Where to now?" Eva asked as Kirito pulled out his CCM again.

"Left. And it's the last turn." He replied, taking the lead.

After they turned, it was quite a long walk to the end. It was strange that they hadn't run into any traps. They had expected to run into a few, but have experienced none. Still, that wasn't any reason to be less cautious.

When they got to the end, Kirito opened the door by just a crack. A bit of light shone through it and it got brighter as he opened it wider. They walked into the room, turning off he flashlights as the lights in the room were on.

"Hey! Kirito! Eva, Niara! Olivia too! Over here!" The four turned and found Hiro banging on a glass wall. Behind him, everyone else was there  all getting to a standing position.

"Oh." Niara blinked. "Wow, whoever the bad guy is, they sure are something."

"Are you all alright?" Olivia asked, looking around to find a door.

"As alright as we could be. We're stuck." Ran muttered.

"Hey look. There's a chest over here." Niara ran over to said chest at the far end of the room. She opened it and blinked up at them again. "Wow, they even took away your LBXs and CCMs? How the heck."

"They knocked us out." Kazuya sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You girls can start looking for ways to get them out. I'll call the grown ups." Kirito said, taking out his CCM. After pressing a few buttons, he seemed confused. "Hm? That's weird. It's not getting through."

"Maybe the signal's bad, since we're underground and all that." Niara said.

"Could be. Hey Eva-" He stopped short when he saw the blonde girl.

She was staring at the box head LBX, trembling slightly. "Why... Why...?" The rest turned to her as well.

"Eva, what's wrong?" Ami called out to her, but she didn't reply. Her eyes were glued to the LBX.

After a minute of eerie silence, her mouth opened once again, forcing the words out. "Wh-why is... S-S-Sirius... here...?"

"Do you know that LBX?" Jin's voice was stiff and cold, much like the way he used to be during the Innovator Incident, which surprised everyone.

"It belongs to-"

"Kazama! Russian girl! Ponytails! Eva!" They turned their heads to the door and found Kousuke running in. Those in the cage were shocked to find him as part of Eva's group, while those in that said group were shocked to see him leaving his post. Overall, they were all surprised to find him in a panic.

"Kousuke, are you-"

The blonde was cut off once again. "Nevermind me! The adults are gone! And not just them. LCW and Izayoi disappeared too! Right after this one guy appeared on one of the screens!"

"What 'one guy'?" Niara asked, looking up from the chest.

"Later. We have to get out of here first."

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that."

The passage behind them closed, trapping them all in there. Another door from across them opened and an old-looking man showed up. He had white hair, same color goes for his facial hair, and he wore round glasses. He wore a fancy white suit, pushing a trolley into the room. A lot of people were confused on who he is, but it didn't take Jin and Eva a second to recognize him. "Jiiya!"

The old man smiled at them. "Young Master Jin and Lady Evangeline. It has been quite a while."

"Eh- You know that man?" Hiro asked.

"Erm... I think the more important question here is, did he just call Jin 'young master'?" Ran pipped up.

"Well, it's only natural that I call him that. I was his butler after all." The man replied, his smile never leaving his face.


"Oh right. Come to think of it, we saw you at Angra Visdas." Gouda glanced at Sendou, who just shrugged.

"And you were also in that battle arena when we were trying to infiltrate this fortress the first time." Kazuya said, nodding to himself.

The man nodded. "That's right." His gaze turned to each one of them and stopped at Yuuya. "Ah, Haibara, it is good to see you're well."

"E-Eh?? Uh.. Thank you for all you did for me back then!" The raven haired boy bowed shyly. Olivia was still bewildered that this was the same Haibara Yuuya that defeated her at the 2050 Artemis prelimenaries.

"Not that I wan't to spoil this... Well, it's not exactly a reunion, but well, yeah." Niara spoke up. "If you were his butler, that technically makes you a good guy...? So why did you trap us all in here?" Everyone went silent. Somehow, they had forgotten that they were locked in a cage.

"Jiiya, please let us out." Jin said, his voice as stiff as before.

"I apologize, young master. I'm afraid I can't even if I wanted to. Only he has the code to unlock it. And to release the others too." He replied, walking over to the console.

"Who's 'he'?" Ban asked.

The butler didn't reply. Instead, he tapped on the tip of the robot's head and its eyes glowed. from the fabric, two needle-like arms spread out and it seemed to be scratching the box it has for a head. 'Oh? Did I fall asleep?'

"Sirius. If you will." The man cast a glance at the kids inside the glass cage.

'Oh my. And the rest are here too.' The robot turned to the four behind him. The glow in its eyes blinked. 'Along with a few others who my creator had just captured.' Just when it said that, the wall at the back of the glass cage opened and Takuya, Yagami, Professor Oozora, LCW and Izayoi all came sliding in.

"Is everyone alright?" Prof. Yamano called from where he dodged the impact.

"We're fine!" Ami called from the other side.

Those that came in all stood up and began dusting themselves. Takuya glanced at every single one of them before nodding. "Yeah, I think we're all fine too."

Yagami and Izayoi both locked eyes with the old man and their eyes widen. "You're-"

"Yagami-san and Kusunagi. Nice to see you both again." The butler replied, still smiling from before.

"You know this man?" Prof. Oozora asked, fixing her glasses.

"He's the Kaidou family's butler." Yagami replied.

"Butler?!" The three girls of LCW all turned to Jin, who stared back with a blank face.

Everyone was either confused, frustrated, or in Niara's case, oddly optimistic. But Eva was both hopeful and dreading knowing who was behind this. "Jiiya." All eyes went to her, but she paid it no mind. "By any chance... the creator Sirius is talking about..."

The man finally let his smile drop. He opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by the sound of footsteps coming from the door he came through. A boy with blonde hair appeared. He was dressed in a white uniform and wore red framed glasses. His eyes were bright red and his smile bore the uncanny resemblance of their youngest friend.

"Hey, sis. It's been a while."


T   W   I   S   T

Also, in the anime, Jin's butler didn't have a name, so I named him 'Edwin'.

((12/8/19 Edit: I changed it because in the game, Jin called him 'Jiiya'))

Sooo... Did you miss me? :') Welp, this ain't about me-



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