Her True Wish

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Right after breakfast, Niara immediately grabbed onto Eva's arm and dashed out of the apartment. Kirito, who was purposely left behind, closed the door and went back up into his room.

Niara had a large smile as she told Eva everything she went through in Omega Dain. "I always win every single battle, every single time, until that slouchy came. Ugh... But really, you should have seen me that one time when I had to face like 10 of 'em at once! I beat 'em all up and Drezion never got a scratch!"

"That does sounds cool." Eva replied with a nod. "But Niara. How are we gonna get inside?" Upon arrival, they found the whole building locked and surrounded by guards.

Her best friend smirked. "Leave it to me."

They dodged the guards and headed to the side of the building. Niara took off her scarf, Eva seeing how long it really was for the first time, and tied it to a metal bar sticking out from the wall. Then she kicked down the grass to reveal a hidden pasage way that lead downwards. She threw the other end of the scarf in. "There's a rope ladder if you want to use it, but I prefer using my scarf since it's faster." And without hesitation, she jumped in. Eva followed, clinging onto the scarf and sliding down with Niara.

"How do you get your scarf back?" Eva asked when she reached the bottom.

"Easy." She made a ripple on the scarf and then quickly tugged on it. The scarf then floated lightly onto her arm. She wrapped her neck with it once again and kicked on a random part of the wall.

Eva heard the sound of steam coming out and looked up to see the passage closed. "Wha...??"

"How else do you think Kirito and I can sneak out so often?" Niara said with a proud smirk, starting her way down the corridor.

Eva ran over to keep up. "You two made the passage way?"

"It wasn't that complicated. That part of the ground had already caved in. We just pulled of a few months of all-nighters and got it done. The hard part was getting the whole 'closing-the-passage-from-down-here' thing done." Niara explained.

"And how did you manage that?" Eva asked. "Without anyone knowing?"

"Holograms and soundproof tiles." Niara said with a shrug.

"I still don't get it."

"You don't have to. Just know that when Kirito and I actually work together, we can legitamately, take over the world." She said smirking. "Well okay, the world is a bit big. Though we could accomplish that with you and Mizel on board since we're all geniuses."

Eva chuckled. "That's quite a big dream."

"We're all dreamers, Eva." The russian girl replied. "The only difference is, we're about to make yours come true."

Eva smiled. "Thanks for sticking up for me Niara."

"Hey, we're best friends, right?" She said with a really laid back tone. "There's nothing we won't do for each other."

"Er... Beside killing."

"Well yeah, no sh*t sherlock." Then Niara swallowed. "Oh shoot. I just cursed."

"It's fine. I won't tell Jin."

"Thank you so much. You just saved me another month of being alive."


"I curse a lot, but not infront of you."

"Mostly to Kirito?"

"Mostly to Kirito."


"And they just went off like that?!" Takuya asked in a furious tone.

Jin nodded. The rest of the Seekers were there to, aside from Jessica and Asuka. So namely it was Ban, Hiro, Ran, Ami, Kazuya, Yuuya, Gouda and Sendou. The adults there are who you'd expect. Prof. Yamano, Prof. Oozora and Yagami. All of them are either really confused or really angry. All except Jin and Prof. Oozora.

"Never thought we had to see those kids as our enemy again..." Yagami said with a sigh.

"They're not our enemies!" Hiro called out, earning shocked looks from everyone. "They're still our friends! We just... We don't know if it was Mizel making Eva do that!"

"Actually we do know." A silver haired boy showed up with three girls.

"Izayoi." Prof. Oozora called out. "What do you mean?"

"She made me promise not to say anything, but I already told Jin anyway..." He trailled off. "Before we get to that, I'll introduce you guys to Philicia, Lilian and Susan. Team CLW."

That name rung a bell, as they are the best in Malaysia. Everyone exchanged glances and introduced themselves one at a time. They all rushed it so Izayoi could just get to the point for them.

"Eva told us herself. She wants Mizel back. Alive and in his own body." He began. "We helped her got into the Innovator Lab under that fake lake to rebuild the-"

"Killer Droid Pegasus." Jin said.

Everyone tensed, until Ami spoke up. "W-wait a minute! I thought the Killer Droid Pegasus was destroyed inside Mizel Trouzer!"

"T-that's right!" Kazuya said. "How the heck did you guys manage to get your hands on that?!"

"Mizel had the blueprints in his head. Or... Well, Eva's head." Izayoi replied.

"And with all the tech in the lab..." Ban trailled, piecing things together.

"Why would she bring him back?!" Ran said angrily. "We were almost killed last time we fought him!"

"She's lonely." Everyone snapped ther heads at Prof. Yamano, who was standing still with his chin in his palm.

"Lonely?" Yuuya asked. He had been so quiet, Jin nearly forgot he was there. He sent an apologetic look to his friend.

Gouda reacted. "Wha? How could she be lonely when she has us with her all the time?!"

"She wanted her family back." Sendou mutered.

Gouda caught it though and faced him. "What?!"

"You heard me." Sendou replied bitterly. "All she's been asking us about lately is about our family relations. First was when we went to school, she asked you about why we moved out from our respective homes. Then she asked me about Kiyoka. She doesn't have to ask about Jin or Yuuya. Niara also told her about her family. Heaven knows if she asked Kirito or not. And Prof. Oozora has been digging her skin to get her to move in with her and Hiro! Don't tell me you're THAT much of an air-head to notice!" He finised angrily.

Gouda, who would usually have a comeback, froze in shock over his rival's fury. Everyone did.

Jin clenched his fist. Why... How did he not think about that? He felt anger raising up. It made him feel sick as it was not directed towards anyone but himself.

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