The Event pt2

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It was smooth sailing through and through. Everyone was enjoying their time and no problems occurred. Or at least, none that most people would notice. Niara stood behind the diorama she was assigned to, listening to some people she recognized are from her school.

"You saw her, right?"

"Yeah. She was all alone."

"It was hillarrious."

"You should've seen how-"

The group continued to chatter and at this point, the Russian wasn't sure whether they were purposely in her earshot or not.

"She's probably in a ditch somewhere."

"She's bound to be crying home."

"The look on her face though."

"Oh, right! That little-"

I've had enough of this. Niara turned to the sources, but was stopped before she could even take a step.

"This isn't the time, nor the place." Kirito said, keeping a grip on her arm.

"They're right. There." She hissed. "And, last time I check, Eva's not backstage."

"Look, I know how you feel, but we're in public right now." He growled.

"So? They know where she is! Finding Eva is more important!"

"We can't do anything when the whole town has their eyes on us!"

"Oh! What's this?!" The emcee yelled out. The spotlight switched from Ban to the two of them. "Looks like these two got into an arguement! Well, since this is a local demonstration, why don't we have the ex-Omega Dain duo battle it out!" The crowd cheered loudly as the others on stage wondered what happened.

"If a battle is what it takes, then bring it!" Niara took out her CCM. "Zeema Drezion!"

Kirito smirked. At least this way, she wouldn't ruin the event. "Fenrir Flare!"


While those two are at it, the Otarangers walked up to the other side of the stage.

"Jin, today is the day I finally get your mail address!"

"Ami-tan! The day has finally come for us to be together!"

"Oh? And now we've got two confessions on the battlefield!" The emcee had the spotlights on them now too. "Let's see what they've got!"

While Ami was trying not to burst, Jin kept a straight face and turned to the emcee. "Can I make a request?"

"Eh? Well... Sure! What is it?"

"Make it a tag match. Me and Ami against the two of them."

Ami stared at him. "Jin, what are you-"

Before she could finish, he asked quietly. "Remember what Kazu and I did in Akihabara Kingdom last year?"

In five minutes time, the battle was set to begin. Triton, Pandora, Bibinbird X III and Bibinbird X IV entered the diorama.

The two bird-related LBXs began doing their poses. "Otacross Style!"

Jin did the same thing he did the previous year. "Attack Function. Ocean Blast."

"Not this time!" Both OtaYellow and OtaPink flew and dodged the attack. OtaYellow let out a laugh. "We've learned from our previous encounter!"

But Ami smiled. "It's just like you predicted, Jin. Pandora!"

"Attack Function. Souken Rangeki."

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