Eva: I didn't expect this-

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Evangeline Mech:

Dinner was as eventful as always. Jin, Yuuya and I would be talking about class projects and advise each other, Gouda and Sendou would be fighting over the food while Kirito and Niara would just be fighting in general.

At the moment, this is their topic:

"I have never stalked you even once in my life."

"Then what's with the security cameras?!"

"Security reasons."

"That ain't- Did you just used my words?!"

"You stated the reason out loud yourself. I just repeated it."

"Dagnabbit slouch-bag."

"The hell is that?"

"Slouchy plus douche bag equals slouch-bag."

". . . That's not how you roast-"


And with Gouda and Sendou:

"That was my beef steak!"

"Well that was my grilled salmon!"

"I got it first! Go eat your goddamn cards!"

"Excuse you! It was because of my predictions that we were able to win that last battle! Besides, you're fat enough already!"

"Hey! Those are my packs that you're insulting!"

"And that's my food you're taking!"

I sweat drop as I watched them. During our first few days, Yuuya and I always made an attempt to stop them from fighting. After a week of trying, we concluded that it was useless and let them behave that way. Jin would always just sigh with a shake of his head. No doubt that he's the most mature out of everyone here.

"I'm surprised you guys even have the energy to argue for so long..." Yuuya said with a light chuckle. "School was busy, so I'm completely beat."

"At least you're not part of the council." Jin said, picking up the empty dished. The three of us were always the first to finish our meals. He placed them in the dishwasher and turned back to look at us. "By the way, I got a call from Professor Oozora while on my way back. She said she wants to check up on your AI again, Eva. Better go see her as soon as you can."

I nodded. "Alright. I'll go on the weekends."


It's Saturday now and I'm heading over to Prof. Oozora's lab in Tiny Orbit. Jin, Niara and Kirito are with me today. Jin "finally had nothing to do" as he puts it, Kirito had work, while Niara claimed that she was bored and 'definitely not lonely or anything'. Gouda and Sendou went to see their gang to hang out at Blue Cat's while Yuuya went to see Hiro because apparently he's not with his mom today.

I knocked on the door to her office and opened it. "Hello? Professor?"

"Ah, Eva. Please come in." I did as she said and so did the others. She looked up from her desk and faced each of us one at a time. She turned back to face me. "You know the procedure."

I nodded and went to the 'White Room'. It's litterally a big white room with nothing but a body scanner in the center. Prof. Oozora requested this room to be built for my sake. Especially after my AI was ghostjacked.

I laid down on the scanner and exhaled to relax myself. I've been through this. It's just a scan.

Red and blue light scanned my body simultaneously. I closed my eyes and waited until I hear the signal. The machine buzzed, that means the scan is over. I got off the machine and went back to the others. "Is there anything wrong this time?"

"No, there is still nothing wrong with you." The professor stated.

"How long will she have to keep coming back here?" Niara asked, seemingly annoyed.

"Until I can be completely sure nothing goes wrong with the Optima." Came the reply.

She raised an eyebrow. "Now hold up. You just said that there's nothing wrong with her."

"And that is correct. There is nothing wrong with her. As for her AI, I can say otherwise." Prof. Oozora said, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Mizel can control anything and everything with a computer in it. We know this and at the start, we thought that this was the limit he could reach. But then, do you remember what happened afterwards, Kirito?"

Kirito's head snapped up. He definitely didn't expect to be called up for this. ". . . Mizel stole Olegion..?"

Prof. Oozora nodded. "Correct. And what did he do with it, Jin?"

Jin was caught by surprise too. "...He fused with it and became Mizel Olegion."

She nodded again. "Yes. Through this, we know that not only can Mizel control, but he can also possess machines. Do you understand what I am refering to, Niara?"

She crossed her arms. "Mizel could've possessed Eva, you mean?"

"Indeed. We wouldn't want that, now would we?"

I blinked at that. "Why not?" Everyone's eyes went up to meet mine, all looking at me questioningly. "I mean possession aside, would it really be that bad if he came back?"

"Eva, where are you going with this?" Jin asked with a stern voice.

"At school, linguistics class, we were watching-" I was cut short when the door opened.

"Professor. I got your lunch." A silver hair boy wearing a black and white hoodie came in with a lunchbox in hand. When he noticed the rest of us  his eyes widen. "Uh... Sorry, did I interupt a meeting or something?"

I blinked. ". . . Kusunagi Izayoi...?"

He looked back at me. "Yeah? How'd you know?"

I smiled. "Iza-kun! It's been a while! It's me! Eva!"

He blinked. "Wait... Wha...?! Eva? Whoa, you grew..." He looked back. "Wait, so if this is Eva, that means... Jin? That you?" All he replied with was a small wave, but he did smile a bit.

"So who's he supposed to be?" Niara asked.

"This is Kusunagi Izayoi. He lived with us in the mansion back before the Innovator incident." Jin explained.

I nodded with a smile. "Yeah! We were a trio!"

"More like I was a thirdwheel..." He said with a sweatdrop.

"He's enrolling at Hiro's school." The professor explained. "If you want to catch up on each other, please do it then. Now, all of you, but himself, are dismissed."

We bid goodbye and, while Kirito went to work on his shift, Jin went to get Yuuya and Niara dragged me to TokioSia to look at some newly released maintenance kit.


Kusunagi Izayoi belongs to UltimaXL. Sorry if I made him OOC by accident.

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