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The past three days went well, that was for sure. That's why none of them expected today would be such a disaster. It started with a small mistake that took a turn for the worst. They didn't think it would be a problem since it was just for a little while.

Niara and Kirito went out and about with Olivia. Sendou wanted to visit his sister with Gouda, who he didn't actually want to go with, but came anyway. Yuuya went off to meet Hiro at TokioSiA, while Jin had a short appointment with the head of Cyber Lance Saibara Seiji.

They had left Eva and Mizel alone at home.


Mizel stood in front of the blonde girl that's curled up against the locked door in her room. He had shut all the windows and curtains too.

There was the sound of yelling coming from everywhere. Outside was like a scene you'd see in the Frankenstein movie, minus the pitchforks and torches.

"Those fan girls are taking it to another level." He stated out loud. When he got no response from her, he bent down and hugged her rather awkwardly. He still wasn't used to physical contact. Then, he felt glitches again. "Eva. There's no use in hiding. They know you're here-"

"Hey! Eva! It's your friends!"

"Yeah! We won't do anything!"

"Come out! We'll have a ton of fun!"

They weren't her friends. Why they knew she was on her own was almost beyond her. They've probably been stalking Jin all day. Or would they be stalking her? Either way, she didn't really want to find out.

"And we're not calling the rest, because...?" Mizel couldn't help but wonder. After all, when someone's in trouble, isn't calling for help the most normal thing to do?

"I don't... want to ruin anything..." Eva replied, not looking up. "They could... also be busy... Interrupting them might... might be a bad idea..."


Niara stopped walking and turned back to where they had came from. This caught the other two's attention, as Kirito and Olivia too, stopped.

"Niara, something wrong?" Olivia asked.

"There's a stupidly sick thing going on in my stomach and it's pointing that way." The Russian replied.

"You sure it's not the seafood?" Kirito attempted a joke, but seeing her serious expression, he started worrying too. "Well, what do you think's happing?"

Olivia turned to the direction her friend is looking at. "Your dormitary? Something bad's happening to Eva?"

Niara took a step forward, wanting badly to run and just beat up everyone she'll come across. But she didn't. Her next words surprised them. "I'm calling Jin."


Apparently, he too had that same feeling in his gut. His meeting went well and he was doing a great job as a test player with Triton. He had just walked out of the Cyber Lance building when he got the call.

"So yeah, what do you think?" She asked him.

"I'm already on the way back. You guys should too." He told her.

"Alright. Should I get the rest?"

"No. They'll leave when they see us."

"You mean 'when they see you'."

It simply ended there. None of them were sure what to expect, but they all know what they need to do. In the subway, he made another call.

"Mizel. Is Eva alright?"


He didn't expect to be the one recieving it. Then again, if Jin had called Eva, then she would've lied for sure.

"She's not." He probably should feel a little guilty for going against his sister's wishes, but he doesn't. He knows this was for her own good. "They haven't tried to break in yet. Highly doubt that would happen. But they're definitely making her uncomfortable."

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Do you think that's okay?"

"Physically, yes."

"... Understood. Mizel, please take care of her until we get there."

'We'? He assumed Niara and Kirito are coming too. "I would have done so even if you didn't ask." He cut off the line.

He turned around when he heard the blonde sigh. "You told them, didn't you?"

He still didn't feel guilty. "Yes."

She wanted to be upset, but she wasn't. She couldn't be when she was grateful for it. "Thanks... I couldn't do it, but you..."

"It was because your reason is selfish." The boy stated bluntly. "I know you mean well, but your friends would be more upset with having you hurt than you 'interrupting' their time."

"I... I guess I never thought of it like that before..."

"Then I am glad to have brought it to your attention."

The two stared at each other in silence, until the yelling started again. She had moved to the corner of the room and was sending wishes for them to stop, while he stood there and watched from the hidden security cameras Kirito had.

It wasn't until five minutes later that the group outside had grown tired and decided to leave before they got caught. Mizel turned back to Eva, who had stopped showing any forms or reactions.

Knocked out. He didn't know she was that weak to stress. He travelled into her body and floated her onto her bed before getting out again.

There was another glitch and his eyes narrowed. It was too soon. Too soon to do it, especially since he had just decided it yesterday. He didn't have her approval either. He tried to rationalize why he shouldn't, but his program wouldn't let him. He knew it's because it was for her own good.

Inside his humanoid form, was himself in data form. Infront of him was a barrier with the word 'Cradle' written in red. Two buttons floated to his hands. Without letting himself think twice, he pushed one.



So I'm testing out a new app and made this thing

So I'm testing out a new app and made this thing

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That's what Mizel saw in front of him

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