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They found themselves in an empty space. There was a large flower made of light and at its center was an orb with a small floating island inside of it.

"So you made it." They looked up and found Mizel standing above the orb.

"Mizel." Ban called out. "We want to-"

"I already know." He cut him off. "You're here to talk to me. Here to convince me that what I'm doing is wrong once again. And then you're going to 'save' Eva."

"Then I guess you know what's coming." Jeanne D went into a fighting stance.

Mizel shook his head. "I do not wish to fight. Simply that you listen to what I have to say."

Kousuke was getting bored. "Which is?"

"You all know how many people disliked her." He stated. "Even the person who fixed her decided to throw her out. It is much better this way. If she stays alone, she would not feel the pain of people abandoning her."

"We're her friends! We'd never leave her!" Hiro interrupted.

"So you say." His gaze never wavered. "Then I'll ask this. How did you act when she first revived me?" They went silent as he continued. "You knew what she was doing, and instead of trusting her, you acted as if she was your enemy. You didn't try to talk to her. You only assumed and acted on that assumption. None of you are very different from the kids that bully her."

"I-It's not what you think!" Ran defended. "We were only-"

"Afraid?" His gaze pierced through each and every single one of them. "You were all afraid of what would happen. You chose fear over trust. Niara, Kirito and Kousuke were the only ones who stood by her. You three have my praise."

"I mean..." Niara scratched the back of her neck. "You didn't attack me while I'm sleeping so..."

"Personally, I didn't have anything against you." Kirito stated bluntly.

Kousuke just shrugged. "I was bored."

Not paying attention to whatever reason they had, Mizel continued on. "Her happiness has been distorted. The real world is filled with... interruptions. It isn't suitable for someone as fragile as her." Suddenly, music began to play. Hugo immediately recognized the style of the composition was definitely his mother's. Mizel looked down on the island. "And she doesn't seem to want to leave either."


The little blonde girl sat on the bed, waiting. She loved this space. It was quiet, peaceful, adorable... It was her haven. But something felt off. Something inside her told her that there was something missing and it was keeping her on edge. Sighing to herself, she hopped off and touched the music box, turning it on.

She remembered listening to it when a blonde woman, her mother, played it on her laptop. She wasn't sure but, aside the music she makes, everything about her that she remembered seemed cheerful. She lets her feelings out through her music. The one she's currently listening to had a label on the cover.


The word usually refers to the bed that infants sleep in, but it also means to hold gently and protectively. She thought about her mother's warm hugs and how she'd always fall asleep in her arms at night. She turned to look out the window and smiled when she saw Mizel.

From this gentle dream...

Please, never wake me up.


Listening to the song, they couldn't help but feel... strained. The lyrics made it clear to them that Eva herself was willing to stay, but they've made it this far. Should they really just turn back and leave?

Of course not. Niara wouldn't allow it. She's not losing her best friend over something like that. She's not going to lose anyone if she could help it. "Let us talk to her." She demanded.

"She doesn't want to." Mizel replied simply.

She shook her head. "I want your answer. Not hers."

"Her answer is my answer." He stated bluntly. "I base my actions on what my program's objectives are. The one that has led me to do this is the one to protect her happiness."

"But you know this isn't right." She continued to argue.

He shook his head. "That is irrelavent. I am not a living being. The reason of my existance is to carry out my tasks, whatever they may be. I can not feel human emotions like you do, so trying to use rationalism against me is futile."

"Then don't use emotions and use your understanding!" She grunted. "You're saying that this is for Eva's own good, but what I got from what you just said is that it's to unlock achievements in your task menu."

He stared at her blankly. "An illogical comeback."

She groaned. "Just let us through!" Drezion went to the barrier at full speed, but the force was absorbed and reflected back at her, flinging the LBX pretty far off if Fenrir and Vampire Cat didn't catch it.

"Lev, you alright?"

"...Give me a minute, the world is spinning."

"Well yeah... If it wasn't, we wouldn't have day and night."

"Shut up."

"That's some barrier though..." Yuuya muttered.

"Don't worry." Mizel spoke up. "You won't have to deal with it." With a wave of his hand, Vectors appeared in front of them.

"You forgot that we could take care of those easily!" Achilles D9 charged ahead, but its attack did less than favorable damage. "Wha...?!"

"'You forgot' that any LBX I place here have been enhanced by endurance and power." He smiled mockingly. He snapped his fingers and the Vectors multiplied.

"T-That's a lot of Vectors..." Asuka said worriedly.

Kazu clicked his tounge. "We're surrounded!"

"Ban, Hiro." Ran called out. "What should we do?"

"You're asking us, but..." Ban trailled off. It was clear he was hesitant about fighting too.

"If your LBXs break over, you'll all be sent back to the real world." Mizel stated. "If you plan on getting back here, then you'll have to- what was the term, Niara? 'Restart from level one'?"

Niara deadpanned. "Well that just sucks."

"There's no other choice." Surprisingly, Fenrir Flare was the first to attack.

The Russian smirked at him. "Time to riot!"

And they all joined in.

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