First Date

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It was now the 24th of December, Christmas Eve. The party was meant to start late at night, but many of the children's families had arrived in the early afternoon at Tiny Orbit for introductions.

It was Ban's parents, though everyone knows who they are. Everyone already knew Hiro's mom too. There was Ran's grandfather, Ami's mother and Kazuya's parents. As Jessica had said, her father came too. Asuka was surprised to find her parents and brother seeing as how she thought he had an event, but she was delighted nonetheless. Olivia had her mom come over while Izayoi stayed near by Hiro. Yuuya felt awkward at first, but was slightly relieved when he saw that Alice and Shirley from BC Extras had been invited, so it wasn't just family. Gouda had his gang, Ryuu and Mika come over while Sendou only had Kiyoka. Kousuke didn't want his father around, and being honest, the rest of them didn't either. Niara found that her uncle and cousin had been invited and didn't hesitate to tackle them into a hug. No one knows about Kirito's family.

Hugo was there to greet them all, but he left quite soon after. Eva didn't mind. After all, today was also the day of the promised date. She blushed at the thought before shaking her head.

Looking at the mirror, she checked her own outfit. She was in a purple dress-shirt with long sleeves to keep out the cold. Sighing to herself, she nodded confidently. I can do this!

And now I'll excuse myself. Mizel had prepared his own little chamber at the back of her mind, where he can hide from the public without having to listen to Eva's constant gushing about the smallest things. There, he could also block out what she sees or hears, seeing as tonight is meant to be a private night for the two lovers.

She left her outfit on her bed, deciding she'll change into it later. They won't be gone for long. Just a quick walk around and maybe a few stops here and there.

"Hey, don't forget your coat." Niara called, not looking up from her game. "It snowed overnight. We don't want you getting sick on your date."

"Ah right... Thanks, Nia."

"You're welcome, Evie."

They called each other with their original nicknames as a joke. They weren't used to it anymore, but it was still nice to hear every now and then.

Putting on her white fur-lined jacket, Eva went out to find Jin standing at the front door. He was wearing his usual blue button-up shirt, but instead of the same vest, he wore a black coat instead.

Looking back at her, he smiled. "Ready?"

Almost every ounce of confidence left her. "A-As ready as I'll ever be."

"It's not like we'll be doing anything different than what we always do." He led them out of the dorms as they talked. "It'll be just like the old times."

"Y-Yeah..." Nothing will ever make her more nervous than this. She wasn't sure why. She knows it wasn't because she's afraid of mistakes. No, they were both past that point and knew each other well enough to not get caught up by those small things. Perhaps it was because this is the first time they called it a 'date'? Yeah... That's probably it...

On the other hand, Jin seemed happier than usual. She hasn't seen him smile this much since the Innovators Incident. He didn't know anything about his grandfather's evilness, he just had a lot of fun battling Ban, up until Artemis. That was when everything truly started for them and their lives changed. She wasn't sure at first, but seeing him happy now made her believe it really was for the better. And she was happy too. Happy to have made as many friends as she had.




"... You're gonna ruin your eyes if you keep the screen that close."

"If my eyes break, I'll never have to see your face ever again."



Kirito sighed. "So what? Are you still mad at me for yesterday?"

"When am I ever not mad at you?" Niara looked up at him for a second before turning back to her game. "But you were right about that. Heck, you've been right about a bunch of shit recently."

"Someone has to use their common sense if you wouldn't." Sitting on a chair by the desk, he changed the subject. "So why aren't you out there with your cousin?"

"Nikolai wanted to go around the mall, so he had uncle take him. I don't think it's a good idea for me to go back there for now. It still pisses me off."

"Then, you wanna go somewhere else?"

That had her pausing her game. She bent her neck over the bed to look at him. "What d'you have in mind?"

"Arcade. First one to beat the other in ten games, wins."

"You're. On."


The date went... smoothly. Jin wondered why he was surprised. Eva was enjoying her time, so he really didn't care about anything else at the moment. He cast a glance at the blonde walking beside him. They had only stopped twice. Once for a snack, and one more at a shop. She had spotted a rather large cat plush from a window and though she didn't say anything, her eyes practically begged for it. She hasn't stopped hugging it since they bought it.

"You really are five years old." He couldn't help but comment.

"But it's so cute! I'm naming it Fluffy." She replied, patting the plushies' head. "Adorable little thing, aren't you?"

"You definitely are."


"Nothing." He almost felt like punching himself. He was completely calm at the start, so he didn't understand why he would lose control of himself now. He turned to the setting sun before nodding to himself. "We should start heading back."

"Ah... Right." Eva's smile never left her face as she turned to the direction of the dorms. "Don't want the adults getting mad at us for missing out the party."

"They kind of already know we're on a date, so I don't think they'll get mad."

"Maybe, but it'll still be rude to show up late-"

Then familiar voices were heard. They were all giggling and calling for Jin. It doesn't take a genius to figure out they were all their schoolmates. Most were fangirling over him from afar, others were glaring daggers at Eva, who had only realized now why she was so nervous at the start. She was afraid of getting caught.

And just when I thought nothing could ruin our day. Seeing the blonde's expressions falter, Jin inwardly sighed and locked hands with her before walking home. I hope the party would cheer her up again.


Jin and Eva on a date!!! (It got ruined by the jerks from school, but) Yayyyy!!!

And Kirito and Niara hanging out! (Because, let's face it. They will never agree to call it a date)

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