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I ran down the hallway and chased after the flying LBX. It was so cute and small. As small as a butterfly. Right when i caught it, I heard a crash in the hallway. Rushing towards the noise and I came in tumbling over a wire. Before I hit the floor, strong arms caught me.

"Hey slow down Eva. You could've fallen onto the glass shards." He looked down on me with his soft red eyes. He lifted me up and placed me on his shoulders.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Before I answer that, where's the little LBX I sent you to play with?" He asked.

"I think I dropped it when I fell."

"Ah, yes here it is." he picked it up and put it in a container. "I'm helping the professor to test out our prototypes. Once the core skeleton is complete, we'll move on to the multiple customizations players can use. Of course while all this is happening, we're also testing the CCM along with the LBX. Though the process may be slow, using the vast net of information, we are working fairly productively compared to other companies." he drank from a mug of coffee. "Professor Yamano is also busy with developing the Eternal Cycler. Professor Oozora, my tutor back then, she is very intelligent with AIs so if we could get her to help, it would make everything much faster."

I stared at him blankly. "AI?"

"Artificial Intelligence." he replied.


He looked up at me and smiled. "Right, I forgot. As smart as you are, you're still just a three year old child." He placed me on the ground. "Come on now, let's go home."

I reached for his hand. "Alright nii-san."


I looked out the window of the cab and stared at the view. I'm not gonna lie. Tokio City at night is beautiful. Especially when you view it from Tokio Bridge. My smile gets bigger by each passing second.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked.

I didn't hesitate to exclaim. "Curry!"

"Curry it shall be." Then he took out a tablet and started reading on what looked like a review of the projects.


The cab stopped. The driver tried to move forward, but nothing happened. He tried to reverse, still nothing. My brother, Hugo, he wasn't worried until the ground started shaking. He grabbed me and I felt myself at the mercy of gravity.

What happened to me?



To CrossMayhem , let it begin >:)

Edit: Hey guys, I decide to edit some small bits of the chapters to make it match with Little Battlers eXperience, but that doesn't mean I'm not working on the update. Though there are some that I changed on purpose just for the sake of this story making sense. It's not like I forgot the exact back story or anything. Nope, not like that at all... Just an FYI, you may continue :3

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