NEWTs (Sirius Black)

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The wind hit the Gryffindor tower viciously, making you wake up. You stretched and yawned, giggles heard from your right. You looked at the sound, smiling at the giggling Dorcas looking at you from her bed.

"Are you ready for today?" she asked, and you immediately groaned.

"No. I don't want to go." you whined, Dorcas giggling again at you. It was your last NEWT, and then, you would be finished with school once and for all. Then, the only thing you had to do was wait.

"Come on, it is the last one!" Marlene said from the bathroom door as she got in the dormitory.

"It doesn't really matter." you waved her off, grinning at her annoyed expression. The howling of the wind cut you off and you looked outside the window with a glare. "What is wrong with the weather today? It's June!" you complained, the girls chuckling at your complains.

"Watch it, it's the second time you whine in less than five minutes." Dorcas reminded you with a small smirk on her face, as you rolled your eyes playfully at her.

"Oh, come on, not even the weather wants us writing today!" you reasoned, just as the wind started howling again.

"Godric." Marlene said under her breath, making you let out a laugh. You looked around the room, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion at your missing roomate.

"Where's Lily?" you asked, the girls smiling slyly at you.

"She wanted to study down in the common room." Marlene replied, her and Dorcas sharing a look.

"Of course she did. She cares for this stuff a lot." you defended, the girls smirking mischievously at you.

"I do think she is propably studying Potter instead." Dorcas whispered, her and Marlene giggling to themselves as your jaw fell in surprise.

"W-what? Godric, it's too early in the morning for that." you said in bewilderment, before reaching in your suitcase to take out a pair of undergarments and your school robes. "Aren't you a little bit affected by our Care of Magical Creatures NEWT?" you asked, looking at the girls incredulously as they shrugged.

"We've studied for that." Dorcas said, Marlene nodding at her. You rolled your eyes, finally fishing your robes and undergarments out of your suitcase, walking to the bathroom. Now, why would you keep your clothes in your suitcase all year long when you had a wardrobe you could use? Simple answer; too bored to transfer the clothes to the wardrobe.

"Save me a seat at the Gryffindor table for breakfast." you called over your shoulder as you got in the bathroom, closing the door behind you without waiting for the girls to answer. You let your robes and clean undergarments in a place you knew you wouldn't soak them with the bath water, then took off your pyjamas, then your undergarments and threw them down at your feet. You already planned on cleaning them anyway.

You stepped in the shower, opening the taps, letting warm water wash over your body. You closed your eyes as the water run down your naked body, your mind jumping to the man occupying your thoughts and dreams as of late. A smile found its way in the corner of your lips as you envisioned him, as if he was in front of you, seeing him as clear as day. A thunder was heard in the distance and you opened your eyes, glaring at the direction of the sound of the thunder. No, you didn't see him as clear as that particular day.

He was tall, but not much taller than you, you had to be thankful for your height, it intimidated some, but luckily, not him. He was thin, and even if he wasn't in the Quidditch team, he was fit, obviously from working out, the outline of his muscles easily seen under the thin t-shirt he wore during warm days. His hair reached his shoulders, black silky curls, that you longed to ran your hands through, a dream you wished to come true. But, the best about him was his eyes. Beautiful stormy grey eyes, staring intently at anything he looked at, pining everyone down with his stare, holding them captive. How you wished to be the one held captive by his eyes, how you wished you were the one that he would feel the need to look at.

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