Together (Regulus)

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You entered the Hogwarts Express for another year at Hogwarts. Five years had already passed in a blur, and you found yourself wishing that you were once again a cheerful and oblivious first year, but unfortunately, times like those were long gone.

War was coming, and you, as nearly everyone else, were going to choose sides. The choice was rather simple for you. It was either fighting with your family members, or against them. You were going to fight in your family's side.

You knocked in the compartment full of Slytherins and they beckoned you in.

"Well, if it isn't my favourite girl around here." Mulciber greeted. You sat down in the spare sit next to Severus Snape and smiled at him, in return the boy nodding at you as a greeting.

"Hello Mulciber." you said politely. You and Mulciber, were acquaintances, like most of the people in the room. You only friend that should be in this compartment, was Regulus Black, but he was nowhere in sight. Just then, the door opened and Regulus came in. You immediately smiled.

"Black." Avery that was sitting next to Mulciber greeted and Regulus nodded in acknowledgement before taking a seat next to you.

"How was your summer?" Regulus asked, turning to you.

"Uneventful as always." you said, a small smile on your lips. "I had to choose sides, though." you whispered, so that he would be the only one to hear. Regulus nodded slowly at you.

"That's... eventful, I guess." he said lightly and you smiled. Suddenly, the door opened, and Sirius Black with his friend, James Potter, poked their heads in.

"Is it a Death Eater gathering of sorts?" Sirius asked, and at his words, especially since his brother and your friend was in the compartment, you glared heatedly at him.

"You know, Black, I always thought that when someone grows up, they become more mature. I guess you just proved my theory wrong." you called out, a smirk slowly curling in your lips as the other people in the room let out mocking laughs. Sirius glared at you strongly.

"Watch it." he hissed, and you raised a mocking eyebrow at him.

"Or what? You'll hurt me? Isn't it against your morals to hurt a younger girl, Black?" you asked, the mocking tone not leaving your words for a second. Sirius just glared harder at you and after a contest of glaring, one that you won, he left the compartment.

Mulciber let out a laugh as the compartment door slammed closed.

"That was quite amusing." Severus said with a smirk and you winked at him, before turning to Regulus who had a small smile on his face.

"How do you always make my brother shut up?" he asked and you shrugged simply at him.

"What can I say? It's a talent."


It was time. Time for you to pledge your allegiance to your side of the war. To the side that your family was at. You walked with Regulus, Mulciber, Avery and Severus to the dining room of Malfoy Manor, where your faith and fate would be sealed.

You opened the huge doors leading to the dining room to be met with various Death Eaters all around you, and you caught sight of Bellatrix curly untamed hair next to a man in the center of the room. The man had his back turned to you, but you could guess who he was with your eyes closed.

The man turned around and you looked at him bravely, not a speck of fear in your eyes. He was the most handsome man you had ever seen. His features were sharp, his eyes blank and cold. He was quite tall and thin. A malicious smirk was on his face, as he surveyed all of you like a king looks at his newest conquers in a war.

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