Obeying to Tradition (Blaise)

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"Sweetheart, come down! Our guests are here!" you heard your mother yell. You looked at yourself again. You were wearing a long light pink dress, a dress that your mother chose, and white ballerinas. Your hair was let down and free, styled in the way that it normally was. You were dressed like a normal ten year old girl would, right?

Except that you weren't normal. You were a witch, belonging to one of the most ancient pureblood families. Your friends were the children of the other prestigious families of the wizarding world, and your mother's choice of clothing was anything but ordinary. Who would wear a dress that contained some light pink diamonds on the sleeves or a golden necklace with a diamond hanging from it? Not a normal girl, surely.

You left your room, walking just at the right pace: you couldn't come across as rushing. Your head was held high, a mark that you were superior to others, and you had adopted a proud stance, identical to the way the Queen of England walked, like you could own everything.

You descended the stairs of your Manor and entered the dining room, where you saw many families were already there. You could see Draco, your best friend, Theodore, Pansy and another boy you've never seen before.

Upon your entrance, your father called your name and all eyes turned to you. You smiled politely at your father. "Will you take your friends up to your room? We have some things to talk about."

You nodded obediently at your father and turned to Draco. You gestured for him to follow you and he followed without a word. That was a good thing with Draco. He knew when to be serious, and when you were acting like this in front of your parents, he had to be serious.

You walked to your room, not throwing a glance behind you as you knew they were following. You opened the door of your room and got in. You looked at the people coming in with an expressionless face. Pansy came in first, next Theodore did, the boy you didn't know followed and at last Draco came in, closing the door behind him. He glanced once at you, and burst out laughing. A smile slowly found its way on your lips and you slowly grinned at him. He moved to you and hugged you tightly, and you returned the hug.

"Your acting skills never cease to amase me." he said and you smirked at him when you pulled back.

"I've had a lot of time practising the role of the obedient daughter, Draco," you said, turning to Pansy. You hugged her and she hugged you back.

"It's good to see you." she said with a smile and you nodded.

"It's good to see you too." you said, pulling back. You looked at Theo with a smile on your face. He lunged at you, making you slightly lose your balance, and you couldn't hold in your laughter as you hugged him back as well.

You pulled back some seconds later and your eyes turned to the direction of the other boy in the room. You smiled politely at him.

"Hello," you said softly, a small smile on your face as you told him your name. "Who are you?" you asked and a small smile formed on the boy's lips.

"I'm Blaise Zabini."

"Nice to meet you, Blaise." you acknowledged. "Are you going to be joining us often?"

"We are going to be around each other at school, anyway," he shrugged, and you nodded in return.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance." you said once again, pleased with the boy's way of thinking.

"The pleasure is all mine."


Third year

"What is that thing?" Theo whispered in your ear as he looked at the hippogriffs in disdain. You shot him a look as you turned around to look at him, catching Blaise's amused eyes as you did so.

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