The loyalty of snakes (Albus Severus)

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You walked in the infamous platform 9 3/4 with your parents on either side of you, your eyes settling immediately on the scarlet Hogwarts train. You felt your mother take your hand in hers and you looked up at her as she gave your hand a little squeeze.

"Now, have fun at Hogwarts." she said. You nodded at her, feeling your father place a hand on your shoulder.

"We don't care about the house you are going to be sorted into." your father continued your mother's sentence, and you offered both of them a smile.

"However," your mum cut in, shooting a look at your father from over your head, "you see, your father and I have placed a bet." she continued, and you couldn't resist the urge to raise an eyebrow at her blunt confession.

"You've placed a bet on which house I will be in?" you asked, an incredulous tone in your voice.

"Indeed, we have." your father replied, smiling shamelessly down at you. "I win if you get sorted into Ravenclaw." he said, sending a wink in your direction.

"And I win if you get sorted into Gryffindor." your mother said, grinning at you. You rolled your eyes at both of them, before a smirk appeared on your face.

"If I am sorted into Hufflepuff or Slytherin, you are going to give me five galleons, each." you said, watching in amusement as your parents frowned.

"That's not fair, you might just say to the hat to place you in one of these houses." your father pointed out, and you sent him a sly smirk in return.

"You should have thought of this before telling me about the bet." you sing songed, taking your trunk from the ground and walking to the train. You waved to your parents as you left, hurrying to get away so as not to receive a hug or a kiss. You weren't really fond of physical contact.

You got in the train, searching for an empty compartment. After some time, you found one, and relieved to see that luck was on your side that morning, you got in and put your trunk over your head. The train started moving, and you looked outside as the scenery changed. However, it wasn't five minutes later when someone knocked on your compartment door. You sat up, opening the door to see a girl not older than you with vibrant bushy red hair.

"Hello, I'm Rose Weasley, do you mind if I sit here?" she asked, a slightly bossy tone in her voice. You recognised the girl as soon as she introduced herself to you. This was the daughter of two parts of the Golden Trio, the daughter of Ronald Weasley and Hermione Weasley.

"No problem." you said, stepping back and walking back in your seat. You sat down, Rose occupying the seat opposite you. "Why aren't you with your cousins?" you asked her after a moment of silence. The girl turned to you in surprise, before her eyes narrowed.

"A boy came in our compartment, named, Scorpius Malfoy, and I didn't like him. I left, and I asked Albus to come with me, but he refused, and so, here I am." she explained, frustration in her voice.

"Did you leave the compartment because he is a Malfoy?" you asked her, the question catching her off guard. She opened and closed her mouth for some seconds, before she composed herself and put on an indifferent mask.

"My dad told me to stay away from him, and that's what I'm going to do." she finally said, pursing her lips and looking outside the compartment. You raised an eyebrow at her, and Rose, noticing your expression, turned to look at you. "What?" she asked incredulously, and you shook your head at her.

"You are seriously going to stay away from someone just because your father told you so?" you asked, earning a glare in return from Rose. "Did he also tell you that you shouldn't talk to Slytherins because they are evil?" you asked, only making Rose glare harder at you in return.

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