Away From Home (Charlie)

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You were walking near the woods, a field around you. You were heading once again to the home of the Weasley's, a large kindhearted family. You and the Weasleys went some years back, when you were eight.

Your parents were obnoxious as ever, and apparently you weren't good enough. You never were, actually. This time, the reason of their displeasure was that you didn't befriend the town's rich kid. You didn't like the boy, he was a bully mostly. A fat boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Nothing extraordinary.

You had gotten so angry with them, for being so ignorant to your needs and being so selfish, that you had just opened the door and run out of the house. They hadn't even noticed that you weren't there.

You reached the woods and followed the river, and about two hours later, you found, exhausted, a house that was about to fall, as you saw it. However, you could hear voices from inside the house. You didn't want to pry, or to seem rude, so you sat down near the house, and looked at the woods. You sighed, dissapointed.

You were lost in your own thoughts when you felt something on your shoulder. You stiffened, not knowing what the thing that was touching you was.

"Are you alright my dear?" a feminine voice asked. You turned back cautiously, to see a rather plump woman with red hair and freckles looking worriedly at you.

"I'm fine. I just left home, that's all." you said in your childish voice. The concern in her face increased upon hearing this.

"Come on, get inside. Do you want to tell me what happened?" she asked softly and you sat up, nodding.

"Thank you." you said, and she just smiled at you. You got in the house. The first thing you noticed was that objects were keeping flying around, or doing things they shouldn't do on their own will. For example, the plates in the sink were being washed by themselves! You looked around the house wide eyed, not noticing the stares of two boys as you got in the room. The woman took a baby in her arms and looked at you with a smile.

"What's all this, Madam?" you asked and she smiled.

"This? Oh, this is nothing my dear. It's a common thing for witches and wizards like us to do."

The woman smiled kindly at you and you raised your eyebrows in surprise.

"Witches? They are real? And wait, witches like us? I'm a witch too?" you asked her and she smiled at you, in a way that your mother never did.

"You are." she confirmed. Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped slightly, before you remembered to watch your manners and closed it again.

"But.. am I going to turn green?" you asked curiously and the woman smiled, a dimple in the corner of her eyes showing.

"No, my dear. I'm a witch too, and I'm not green, right?"

You nodded rapidly at the woman.

"So, I'm going to do all these things you do?" you asked, nearly jumping on the spot in enthusiasm. The woman chuckled.

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