Friendship (Theodore Nott)

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And that's a second update in one day, everyone! It is quite long, to be honest, but I hope you are not going to get bored of it! Until next time, have a nice day/night!

"Wait! You forgot your trunk!" your father yelled after you as you ran to the train. You turned around, a sheepish smile on your lips as you walked back to his direction.

"Sorry dad." you said, shrugging lightly. The man shook his head at you as your mother giggled from his side. He wordlessly handed you your trunk, ruffling your hair with his free hand as he did so. You immediately tried to fix your hair, glaring half heartedly at your father as he grinned. Soon, you were grinning as well. You left the trunk and flung yourself at your father, the man chuckling as he hugged you back.

It would be the first time you would be away from home for this long, and you were sure you weren't about to take that lightly. You loved your parents deeply, and even if you were happy to finally be able to go to Hogwarts, you still would miss them. You pulled back, turning to your mother who was starting to tear up. The woman pulled you in for a tight hug as she sniffled.

"I will miss you." you said, your voice muffled by the woman's shirt. She pulled back, a proud smile on her face as she kneeled so that she was level with your face.

"We will miss you too, sweetheart. Now, be careful, and try not to get in a lot of trouble. I know it is hard-" the woman added at your incredulous expression, and your father let out a short snort, "but I need you to try." she continued, as if she hadn't heard of her husband's snort. However, by the subtle glare she threw in his way, you knew she had heard him all too well. Your father placed a hand on your shoulder as your mother kissed your cheek before drawing to her full height with a small smile on her face.

"Go to the train, before you lose it." your father said, and you didn't lose a second to grab your trunk. You waved at your parents as you left, hurrying to the train. You got in, and to your utter relief, found an empty compartment. You got in, and after some struggling, you managed to place your trunk over your head. You turned back to close the door of your compartment, and after doing that, you sat down in one of the seats.

You resorted to looking around the platform, searching for your parents. You caught sight of them just as the train started moving, and you waved, your parents catching sight of you and waving back. You continued to wave at them as the platform was no longer visible, and you were only left with a sinking feeling of loneliness in your stomach. Someone cleared their throat behind you, and you jumped, your hand flying over your heart as you tried to catch your breath, your eyes wide as you watched the smirking boy that had entered your compartment without asking, the boy you hadn't heard coming in.

"Hello." the boy greeted, and as you looked around, you noticed that his trunk was next to him. He didn't sit in one of the seats. "Do you mind if we share the compartment?" he asked, the smirk never leaving his face. You shook your head that you did not mind, and the boy, after earning your approval, placed his trunk above his head and sat down in the seat directly opposite you. "I'm Theodore Nott." the boy began, pride laced in his voice. You told him your name as the boy watched you, confidence and some arrogance in his eyes. "What house do you want to be in? I want to be in Slytherin, my whole family has been there! The house of the snakes is the best." Theodore declared, and you furrowed your eyebrows at his words.

"That's not true." you said softly, not wanting to argue with the boy. "There isn't a house that is better than the other. It is simply a matter of morals." you said, the boy rolling his eyes at you.

"Not everything is about morals." he said, and after that, you turned your attention to the moving scenery outside. There were some seconds of silence, until the boy opposite you decided to break it. "I quite like you." he said, and you couldn't help but turn to him in surprise. He didn't even know you to say he liked you, but either way, he said that he did.

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