Quidditch matches (Oliver Wood)

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"Wake up! You have a match today!" someone was heard yelling, and not a second later, you felt someone shaking you violently. Your eyes shot open as you looked around you to see who was the one shaking you, only to find your dormates, or rather, two of them, around your head. Rebecca was above you, and she seemed to be the one shaking you as she smiled inoccently at your glare.

"You do have a match today." your other dormate, Jane, pointed out. You shot them a look before standing up, looking around the dormitory. You found the last one of the group, Kacey, look at the girls unimpressed, still under the covers.

"You should better help us win." she grumbled. You smiled as you sat up, shooting a look at Rebecca as she insisted that she would help you get ready for the day.

"Salazar, Rebecca it's a match, I'm not going away for slaughter!" you exclaimed, throwing her a look as she was about to protest. She sighed as she nodded, and you walked to the bathroom to get ready for the Quidditch match. You decided that there was no need for you to have a shower, you would get sweaty anyway during the match. You put on your uniform, smiling at your reflection before entering the dorm. The girls smiled at you as you walked past them, heading with you to the common room. You descended the stairs, searching for a friend among your housemates. 

"Oi, Flint!" you called as you saw your captain getting ready to leave the common room. He turned to you at the sound of his name, and you watched as a smirk appeared on his ugly face. He waited for you to reach him, and once you did, you raised a calculating eyebrow at him. "Try not to be hit, this time." you said, smirking widely at him as he rolled his eyes at you. Your dormates left, leaving you alone with Marcus.

"We just have to concentrate." Flint muttered as the two of you walked together to the Great Hall, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes at him.

"We'll have no problem if you simply decide to not cheat. You didn't need to hit Wood like that last time." you reminded him, just as you turned a corner, leaving the dungeons.

"He asked for it. He had a look of triumph plastered on his face, I simply couldn't stop myself. It was as if he was challenging me!" Marcus exclaimed, and you couldn't help but sympathise with him. No one should ever challenge a Slytherin, the result, most of the times, wouldn't be pretty.

"Very well. But try to play fair, this time. We are playing against Ravenclaw, no need to worry." you reassured your friend, offering him a small smirk, one that he returned without hesitation.

"As long as we continue communicating in the game like all the other times, we'll score many goals." Marcus said, his smirk widening a little. You couldn't help but scoff at your fellow Slytherin as you looked at him.

"Just don't try the signal thing. It makes me want to laugh, I won't be able to actually think of what you are trying to tell me." you said, earning an eye roll from Marcus in return.

The two of you reached the Great Hall, and Marcus opened the door for you, letting you get in first, your eyes scanning each of the tables, landing on the Gryffindor table, as you felt like someone was watching you. Your gaze met Oliver's and for a moment, your eyes locked, before you turned away from him. What was his problem? You and Marcus walked to the Slytherin table, sitting down in some spare seats around the Quidditch team.

"Here is the only female of the group!" Adrian called out to you, grinning widely at you as he raised his cup of pumpkin juice in your direction so as to greet you. You winked at him as you started piling food in your plate, while Marcus scowled.

"Seriously? Am I going to get no greeting at all?" he asked incredulously, earning a smirk from both you and Adrian.

"Face it, Flint, it is because I am much more good looking than you are." you said, a challenging tone in your voice.

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