Animal instincts (Remus Lupin)

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You walked in the dark corridors of the castle, patrolling. It was quiet, making your senses alert, your eyes looking around you frantically. You could see in the dark with no difficulty, as you weren't just a student.

Your curiosity could not just be stifled, and so, after learning about the abilities of an Animagus, you had decided to become an Animagus too. You had asked Albus Dumbledore to help you, like he had done with McGonagall, and the man, after some persuasion from you, had agreed helping you. After some months, you were able to become a registered animagus, the form you took one of a brown hawk. Rowena, if you knew you would be something as nice as that you would have done it way sooner. Having a hawk as your animagus was very helpful. For example, your vision was heightened, you could see longer than anyone else, and you could see in the dark without any difficulty.

Your sharp eyesight caught something moving some feet away from you, and so, you walked slowly to that direction, shaking your previous thoughts away. A rat run away, and you followed it to the exit of the castle. You peered outside, only to see that there were three people walking rapidly to the Whomping Willow. You narrowed your eyes, before jumping in mid air and turning into your hawk.

You flew soundlessly above them, examining the three boys you knew were the Marauders. But, where was the fourth one? As if on cue, the rat you had seen before reached the other three boys' side, and you watched in surprise as it started getting taller, slowly taking the characteristics of a boy you knew, until next to the boys was Peter Pettigrew. Your hawk eyes narrowed slightly at the revelation, as you dipped down in front of them. You landed in front of the four, starting morphing back. When you transformed back to your human form fully, the boys gasped, all but Remus, who just looked weakly at you, before flinching, as if he was in pain.

You opened your mouth to reprimand them for being outside after curfew, but as Remus doubled over in pain, you grew worried.

"Remus!" James called frantically, reaching down to the boy. Sirius and Peter did the same, before pulling back as Remus let out a painful scream. You rushed forward, only for James to pull you back, away from the boy in pain.

"Remus! What in Rowena's name is happening?" you asked, panic in your voice. Remus let out another painful scream, but this time no human sound came out of his mouth. You watched in horror as a wolfish howl left his lips. His face started changing, his teeth growing sharper, his claws bigger and lethal. James let go of you, and you looked back in surprise to see Peter turn back into a rat, Sirius morph into a black dog and James joining the group in the form of a stag.

You looked back at Remus, to find that he was no longer a man. A werewolf stared back at you, murderous black eyes staring in your own. Guessing what he would do before doing it, you jumped up in mid air, turning back to your hawk. You vaguely avoided his jaws as he attacked in the place you had been moments before. You watched as he let out a low growl, before turning to the other three animals, who run off in the distance. You looked up at the full moon, and if you were a human, you would glare at it. So much for believing full moons to be beautiful.

You flew behind the three animals running, the werewolf running after them. You followed them deep in the Forbidden Forest, flying over the tree tops, so that your wings didn't get stuck in the branches of the trees. Remus was hunting down Sirius, it seemed that the dog caught his attention all the more. You watched in fear as the werewolf caught up with the dog, and by the way things were evolving, he would strike Sirius. You let out a screech as you dipped down, effectively distracting Remus from hitting Sirius.

The werewolf started running after you, and Sirius, James and Peter stopped as they saw that their friend was led away. You flew close to the ground, but not close enough that Remus would be able to injure you. The werewolf let out another howl as it hunted you, and you risked a glance back, to see that Remus was short on your tail. You got tired, and so, without thinking, you led Remus to a rock, you knew led to a dead end, and from there, straight to the Black Lake. Positive that werewolves could swim, you mustered all your strength and flew quickly to the edge. You saw the swift cut of the rock, and, surprising the werewolf, dipped down, straight to the Black Lake.

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