Protective (Fred)

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You and your parents apparated to the Burrow, where you would spend the rest of your summer holidays at. You were in the same year as Fred and George Weasley, but you didn't talk much. You only really came to the Burrow every year because your parents were friends with Mr and Mrs Weasley, and since your father and Mr Weasley were colleagues, the exchange was inevitable. So, whenever your parents wanted to go to holidays on their own, they left you to the Burrow. Fortunately, you had come quite close with Ginny, she was lovely.

Your mother knocked on the door. Not ten seconds later the door opened and you saw Mrs Weasley, smiling brightly at you.

"Amelia!" she exclaimed, hugging your mother who grinned at her.

"Hello Molly my dear," your mother said. They pulled back and Mrs Weasley hugged your father.

"Hello Nick my dear, how are you?" she asked and your father smiled.

"I am alright, but I am afraid we can't stay for long. We have a flight to catch." he said. Yes, that's right. Your parents were purebloods, but wanted to travel the muggle way.

"Oh, alright then, I'll see you after your holidays," Mrs Weasley said and your parents smiled at you before dissaparrating. Once they were gone Mrs Weasley hugged you tightly, in a hug that resembled your mother's.

"How are you my dear?" she asked and you felt yourself smile.

"I'm good Mrs Weasley."

"I told you to call me Molly," she said, shooting you a look. You smiled at her.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think this is going to be something that is going to change quickly."

"Of course," she scoffed. "You are too kind to just call me by my name. But I am going to remind you everytime, and we'll get where we want. Right?"

"Yes Mrs- Molly." She beamed at you.

"See?" she said. "You are doing it already. Your things are up in Ginny's room." A small smile appeared on your lips as you followed her inside the house.

"Would you like me to help you cook breakfast?" you asked politely. However, the woman only waved you off.

"Please, as if I would ask for the help of a fourth year little girl. Sweetheart, you will have all the time in the world to cook when you grow up."

"No, really, I want to help," you insisted, walking behind her in the kitchen. "Just tell me what to do."

"I don't want you to cook," she said and you waited patiently for any instructions. "But you could clean the plates," she suggested. You walked to the sink, starting to wash the plates the muggle way. Soon enough, there was the sound of feet getting downstairs. You didn't bother to look up.

"Morning mum," two identical voices said and you instantly understood that this was Fred and George, your classmates.

"Morning boys," replied Molly, turning around to smile at them. You heard someone coming closer to you.

"I didn't know you were coming over," one of the twins said and you replied, not turning around.

"It was arranged for me to come tomorrow, Fred, but my parents' flight was canceled, and so my parents, I don't know how, managed to book a seat for today's flight," you said, turning around to look at the boy.

"How did you know it was me?" he asked curiously and your lips slowly formed into a sly smirk.

"Your voice is a little deeper than George's," you replied. The boy immediately scoffed at you, and you raised an amused eyebrow at him in return.

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