Friendly Competition (Fred)

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The Gryffindor common room was always filled with chatter unless it was during some ungodly hour of the morning. Even during classes, there was always some student who didn't go to class, always with at least one person in their tail, making as much noise as two people possibly could. You didn't mind that, you really didn't. It was one of the reasons you liked the Gryffindor common room so, if you were to be completely honest with yourself. You thought the noise and the chatter was all part of the charm of the Gryffindor Tower. And your favourite hour was the evening. Right at the time the Weasley twins headed down and started planning their next prank.

This afternoon was no different and you were strategically sat at a table right opposite Angelina, close to the place you knew the twins occupied to plan their next course of action. From your vantage point, you could see and hear everything. Yet again, they didn't disappoint.

"So we can do the traditional thing, dye their hair," George was suggesting. As you were expecting, Fred shook his head, the gleam in his eyes showing his enthusiasm at his idea.

"That's not all that original but it could work. If..." He looked around for a moment, his gaze landing in your direction for a moment longer than necessary and you tried your best to look away so he wouldn't suspect a thing, choosing to not answer Angelina's questioning looks. "Only if we sneak into another's common room and do it. And I'm not talking about Hufflepuff, these guys have an awful password it's not even a challenge."

George hummed, "Not Ravenclaw either."

"Yeah," Fred agreed, "they are too nice for that. Which leaves..."

You looked up just in time to see the wicked smile on Fred's lips as he and George leaned closer to each other and spoke at the same time. "Slytherin."

You looked away in an effort to hide your smile, Angelina only shaking her head at your antics before she looked away, her gaze on her notes in front of her. You looked to the window, your smile not leaving your lips as you tried to imagine how their next prank would go, Fred's triumphant expression in your mind making your smile widen. You were pleased. Until your daydream was cut short moments later by none other than Fred Weasley who came to a stop in front of you.

You attempted to not appear flustered as you raised your gaze to meet his eyes, forced your smile to not be as wide and to appear serious, at least for a moment. You cleared your throat. 

"Can I help you?"

"Is that really the way you are going to treat me?" he wondered, the teasing smile on his lips never turning any less wide. He took the seat right next to you without asking, sending a brief nod at Angelina before he turned back to face you. 

"Forgive me," you snarked, "I'll have placed down rose petals on the floor by your feet next time you grace me with your presence."

"That sounds better," he agreed without missing a beat. "I came here with a proposition for you."

Your brows rose. He appeared like he was getting straight to the point today. "I'm listening."

"George and I are going to prank the Slytherins in two days, as I'm sure you heard while eavesdropping."

You gasped, "I wasn't!"

He continued as if you hadn't spoken. "In two days, during the night, we are going to get in the common room and meddle with their shampoos so their hair will end up being bright green. You know, that hideous colour."

You nodded, "I know. What does this have to do with me?"

"See, I want us to make a deal. Or, like, a bet."

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