What do you have to bargain? (Remus)

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Here I am again, I wonder should I stay here?

Close my eyes and sit, wait for something to hear?

Maybe I should go, this silence never ends.

But maybe I should enjoy it, silence will be my end.

The bird's singing have stopped,

The waters running have dried.

Whispers echo in the silence, the darkness of my mind.

"What are you writing?"

You immediately closed your notebook and turned around, to see who had been the one to catch you. Your eyes narrowed as you saw the Marauders just behind you, James Potter and Sirius Black smirking as Peter Pettigrew looked triumphant about something and Remus Lupin looked at your notebook in curiosity. As soon as you realised what he was looking at, you pulled your notebook closer to your body so as to make sure that they wouldn't take it from you.

"Is it a love letter?" Sirius asked as he sat on the bench next to you, his eyes gleaming innocently as he blinked. However, you only glared at him at the false innocence. If there was someone who knew Sirius, that would be you, and you could never really label him as innocent.

"You know I would never write a love letter, cousin." you said, scoffing at the ridiculousness of his words.

"Then what is it that you are writing?" Peter cut in, disbelief in his voice.

"Believe it or not, Pettigrew, I am not thinking of boys all the time and I am surely not going to tell you what I am writing about." you said, holding your notebook closer to your chest.

"The question is not what she is writing, guys." James cut in as he sat on the other side of you on the bench. "The question is why she did not wish for us to know the content of her words."

You narrowed your eyes at the boy that had the nerve to smirk at you, wishing you could just turn him into a cockroach. 

"One of these days, Potter, you are going to get yourself punched." you threatened as you started to sit up, only for Sirius to drag you back down next to him.

"Come on, do us this little favour." he pleaded, but you would not budge. You narrowed your eyes at him, and the boy, realising that you would not give in, let out a sigh before looking at Remus. "Help me out, Moony." 

Remus let out a small laugh at his words before turning his attention to you. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could do so, you raised a hand in the air to prevent him from talking.

"Before you say anything, let me announce that I will accept your proposal only if you let me stand." you said clearly, and the Gryffindor prefect nodded at your words.


"What?" the three other Marauders asked, ready to protest as you stood up and took some steps away from them.

"Don't look at me like that." Remus said sternly, before a mischevious smile appeared on his lips. "She said that she should stand. Not that you couldn't stand as well." he explained, and your eyes widened as you realised that you had made a mistake and should have asked for more in return.

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