Hogsmeade Trips (Sirius)

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School was tiring. Especially since this was the year of your OWLs, and your professors had decided to push you to your limits. Which was why you and your friends welcomed any trips to Hogsmeade with open arms.

These trips were your only hope to get away from the castle, and you were determined to make the most out of it. No matter how much you loved your common room, you had gotten tired of the darkness in it these last days. You needed the light of day, desperately. It seemed like studying too much had that effect on people.

"Salazar!" you exclaimed the moment you stepped in Hogsmeade. "Oxygen! I can now breathe properly!"

"That's a pity," one of your friends, Lisa, said as she moved past you, a smirk evident on her lips. "I preferred you when you could not breathe properly. You were way more quiet."

"As if!" you scoffed as you rushed after her and your other friend, Elizabeth. "I am confident you missed hearing my voice so much, you started imitating it when I wasn't around."

"Do we seem that desperate to you?" Elizabeth asked, an eyebrow raised. You took the time to study their blank expressions before grinning.


"Just keep quiet already," Lisa groaned as you headed to the Three Broomsticks.

"You know, if there is something like an abusive friendship, then this is the epitome of it!" you exclaimed as you trailed after the two. "This is unacceptable, I am not going to remain a victim any longer!"

"A victim?"

You jumped as a person appeared just next to you without giving you a proper warning. At the sound of his voice, your friends stopped and turned around, their expressions blank once again.

"I've told you countless of times, Black, to not scare me like that!" you exclaimed as you turned to face him fully, your hands on your hips.

"And I've told you that it is just too amusing for me to stop doing it," he retorted. Your eyes narrowed in return, just as you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Long time no see, Pettigrew."

You scowled at James Potter and shrugged his arm off of you. "Has no one ever told you of personal space, Potter?"

"I am sorry!" You turned to the sound, a small smile forming on your lips as you saw your cousin, Peter, running towards you, Remus Lupin just next to him. "I tried to hold them off, but," he paused as he frowned, "I failed."

"It is alright, Peter," you smiled at him.

"Will you keep us company, Pettigrew?" Sirius asked, a small smirk curling on his lips.

For some time, you thought of his offer. It had been some time since you had last been in the company of your cousin, and truth be told, the boys he hung out with were funny when they wished to be. You could see your friends another time.

You turned to your friends, and as if knowing exactly what you wanted to tell them, they nodded and slowly started walking away.

"We'll see you later!" Lisa sent you off. With a last smile in their direction, you turned to your cousin.

"Lead the way-"

"How kind of you to let me take charge," Sirius cut in. Without warning, he grabbed your arm and started pulling you after him to The Three Broomsticks.

"Black, I did not mean-"

"Quiet now, sunshine, just let it happen."

With a huff, you turned back to the other three boys, pleading with them to do something, only to see James laughing silently and Remus grinning. Peter was looking at you helplessly, and with another huff, you turned back to your front.

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