Staying with him (Draco Malfoy)

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Screaming. That was all you could hear. You put your head down as another first year was tortured in front of your eyes, as another innocent child met the hardest version of reality. The Great Hall was deathly silent as Amycus tortured the young Gryffindor, only the boy's screams heard.

Hufflepuff was once the house Slytherins, decided to frown upon and hex the most. The students of the house of black and yellow were still hexed by some Slytherins, but it was nothing to what Gryffindors, your housemates and you, were getting through. Snape acted like he always did, verbally torturing you and your housemates, but that was the least of your problems. The Carrows had taken it upon themselves to torture the students, physically. It wasn't a rare sight to see a Gryffindor tortured, or hearing the screams of the students from the dungeons. It wasn't something rare for you to be tortured as well. It was something you had come to terms with, eventually, something you knew would happen when you stood up to the Death Eaters.

The sound of the first year screaming cut in your thoughts, and you closed your eyes tightly, trying to block the sound out, but to no avail. Unexpectedly, the screams stopped, and you slowly opened your eyes, curious to see what happened. The first year, had his eyes wide, tears streaming down his face and his mouth open, a silent scream escaping his lips.

"My brother, it is the Dark Lord's orders to not kill a student yet." Alecto spoke, and Amycus solved the curse, before turning to his sister.

"I wouldn't kill him, just land him in the ward for those who have problems with their memory, you know? In the place the Longbottoms are staying." he said, his gaze flying to Neville who was standing next to you. The man took in a deep breath as he tried to keep his anger in, succeeding in doing so.

"Go back to your dormitories." Snape drawled, and you didn't need to be told twice. Everyone left, not paying attention to the first year boy on the floor, but you hesitated. You frowned, before turning in the boy's direction, Amycus, Alecto and the rest of the professors keeping a close eye on you. You proceeded to pick the kid up, securing him in your arms before turning your back to the teacher's table and leaving the Great Hall. You headed to the Gryffindor common room, when you heard footsteps behind you. There were light footsteps, hardly heard, not the footsteps of a professor. You doubted that a Gryffindor would walk like that as well. You walked faster than before, only a Gryffindor was a friend now.

"Wait." a voice called behind you, and you froze as you recognised it. You stopped, letting the man catch up to you. Draco Malfoy walked in front of you, peering cautiously at the young boy before looking back up at you.

"Get on with it, I don't want to get in trouble." you whispered, looking around the corridor, fearful of the Carrows or Snape coming towards your direction.

"Tell him to take a warm bath." Draco mumbled, gesturing to the boy. "It helps with the injuries." he explained, before walking past you to leave.

"How do you know?" you asked him, making him stop walking away from you. You turned your head slightly to look at him, to see Draco smiling sadly at you.

"Experience." he whispered before leaving quickly. You shook your head before walking to the Gryffindor common room, the Fat Lady letting you in without asking for a password. As you entered, every student turned to you, and the boy's friends rushed to your side.

"Tell him to take a warm bath when he feels better." you told to one of his friends. The boy nodded, before turning to his friend who was levitated up to his dorm by Neville. You only hoped that Draco was correct in his advice.


You were walking in the corridors of the castle, alone, heading to another one of the Dark Arts class. You reached the classroom five minutes earlier, Amycus grinning sadistically at you as you got in and took your seat in the middle of the classroom. Students started coming in some time later, and you resorted to bow your head low so as to not attract any attention to yourself. Someone sat in the seat next to you, and you looked up briefly, only to see Seamus, your partner for this class, a new injury visible on the side of his face. You turned back to the front of the classroom, not risking getting caught looking at Seamus, as it could be called an attempt in conversation and both of you would be punished, despite the fact that the class hadn't started yet.

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