Wake up call (Fred Weasley)

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A sound was heard in your sleep, and you opened your eyes, groaning when you recognised the sound you hated. Your alarm clock was buzzing loudly, irritably, and you glared at it before throwing it to the floor, effectively making it stop emitting sounds. You looked at the broken pieces of your alarm clock with a hateful glare, before you sighed, standing up. You really had to get to work.

You grabbed your wand from your nightstand, wordlessly fixing the alarm clock. Even if you didn't want to admit it, you needed that little source of torture, or else, you wouldn't be able to wake up to go to work on time. You placed the alarm clock back at the place it was before, walking to your wardrobe to take out the clothes you would wear for the day. After getting dressed the way you wanted to, you headed to the kitchen, cooking a quick breakfast. You ate your breakfast, brushed your teeth and then your hair, and with a last sigh, grabbed your wand and turned on the spot, planning on apparating in your friends' apartment.

You apparated in the kitchen of the twins' apartment, heading straight to their bedrooms' direction. It had come to the point that you knew the way to their individual bedrooms with your eyes closed, from all the times you were told to wake them up. Fred and George never seemed to be able to hear their alarm clocks, and so, they had requested that you woke them up. You, wanting to be a good friend, had decided to do them that favour.

However, when you signed up for this, you didn't expect Fred to not be able to wake up except if someone threw him a bucket of ice cold water! Helga, it was as if someone wanted to take a sort of revenge on you, since you would feel too guilty afterwards to do that to him. Half the time, George helped you with waking up Fred, the other half you just had to let your imagination free and be creative, finding ways that would make him wake up without hurting him or doing something to him remotely close to harm him.

You walked to George's bedroom first, hoping that he would help you with his brother today. You opened the door without knocking, finding George sleeping soundlessly, the blanket covering every part of his body except his head. You smiled to yourself as you saw him, he really liked to sleep in a warm place.

"George." you said softly, walking to his direction. You sat down on his bed, gently shaking his shoulder. The man, as you expected, opened his eyes some seconds later, smiling a tired smile at you.

"Good morning." he said, making you smile back at him.

"Good morning to you too, George. Can you help me with Fred?" you asked, wishing he would just say yes so that you knew you weren't alone in this one.

"Sorry, I'm too tired to do that now." George said, and you frowned at him as he looked apologetically at you. He stood up from the bed, not caring about how it would seem to you that he was walking in his pyjamas, and started making his way to the kitchen. "I'll just make some breakfast." he said, leaving the room. You sighed, before standing up as well, mentally preparing yourself for what was to come as you walked to the other twin's room.

You opened the door leading to Fred's room without knocking on the door, closing it behind you as you got in. You scoffed as you saw the boy, the sound, as you expected, unheard from him. Helga, even if they were twins, the boys could be so different some times. For instance, while George liked to sleep under blankets, Fred didn't want to have any blankets in his bed. He didn't even wear pyjamas! It wasn't a rarity for you to see him in his boxers as you got in his room to wake him up, but it never was less awkard for you, as you saw your friend laying on his back, almost naked.

That, was one of these mornings. However, even if it was awkward, you couldn't help but notice that he was not a bad sight to be seeing in the morning. His hair were tousled, in a way that he would never let it be if he was awake. Freckles dotted his chest, and some were on his belly as well. He was wearing a pair of black boxers that fit him nicely, and your eyes widened as you saw how tight it was around him. You immediately averted your gaze as a blush started forming on your cheeks, and you took some seconds to recompose yourself. When you were sure you were fine, you proceeding in waking him up.

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