Dream of Me (Charlie)

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"At last, you are here!"

You looked up as you entered your dormitory, immediately rolling your eyes at the other four girls with whom you shared the room.

"I am not late," you protested, making the other four scoff as you narrowed your eyes at them. "It is not my fault that you eat quickly!"

"Then start eating faster," Mary, one of the girls said, and the other three nodded. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed your pajamas and headed to the bathroom in order to change. As you left the room, you immediately heard the girls started moving things around. You smiled at the sound. They always took a girl's night very seriously.

You left the bathroom and smiled at the sight of your dormitory. The girls had pushed the five beds closer to the middle of the room and were sitting in a circle around each other. There was a vacant space for you to sit in between two of your dormmates, Alice and Eliza. You sat down in between them, as Fiona, another girl you shared a dormitory with, grabbed a basket full of muggle chocolate.

"Now, we can begin," Mary clapped her hands in excitement, and you grinned in response. It was the first Friday of the school year, and it was a tradition in your dormitory for all of you to stay up all night and talk - mainly about boys.

"You don't think we are too old to be having these nights?" Alice asked as she grabbed a piece of chocolate.

"Too old?" Mary's eyes widened. "We could never be too old for this!"

"We have NEWTs this year," Eliza pointed out, "perhaps we should talk about that instead?"

"Nonsense," Mary shook her head, "this is tradition! Don't you like it?"

"Of course we do, and we have lots of fun during the night," Alice rushed to assure her, "but we thought that perhaps we would not focus on boys this year."

"Now, why should we punish ourselves like that?" Mary asked, her eyes twinkling.

"Well, you know me, I will be fine for as long as chocolate is still around," Fiona announced, leaving all of you to giggle.

"That was expected," you smiled at your friend before looking at Mary. "What do you think of the Head Boy?"

"He is handsome," the girl admitted as she giggled to herself, "but he follows the rules. That's not really nice, you know. How could we take romantic strolls by the Black Lake at night if he does not wish to break the curfew?"

"Indeed, that's a problem," Eliza agreed, "but perhaps you would be able to persuade him to help you out when you got in trouble?"

"I doubt it," you shook your head, "he loves rules, he would never think of breaking them."

"He is a Ravenclaw, right?" Alice asked, and you all nodded, even Fiona, who had focused most of her attention on the chocolate.

"Have you seen the Captain of the Hufflepuff team?" Mary cut in, a wide grin on her lips. "He evidently worked out during the summer and he is gorgeous!"

"I did not notice," Fiona shrugged, as you smirked at Mary.

"Say Mary, what if I told you that I could find a way for you and the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain to get together?"

"You could do that?" she asked, her eyes wide. Immediately, you nodded.

"I know someone who knows someone who knows the Quidditch captain, so, yes, I can."

"Is that someone you know Charlie Weasley, by any chance?" Eliza asked, a small smirk on her lips as she turned to you.

"Well, yeah," you admitted, a small smile appearing on your lips. "Who else?"

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