Potions Partners (Blaise)

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"Today, class, we are going to brew the Draugh of Living Death." Slughorn said cheerfully, smiling down at every and each one of his students, his smile widening a little as he looked at the Golden Trio sitting together. "I'll be assigning you partners, and these, are going to be your partners until the end of year." he announced, and your face fell as you looked at the people in the room. There was no one you really wanted to go with.

There were the Slytherins, who generally liked to taunt a Hufflepuff like you, and you liked to stay clear of them. Then, there were the Ravenclaws, who would not care enough to even look at you, let alone start a conversation with you about something. If you were to be paired with them, the class would be very boring. Then, there was a Hufflepuff in the classroom, a girl you did not know, but you knew liked to gossip a lot. You were not interested in gossip, and you knew, if you were to be paired with her, you would most likely never manage to concentrate in this class. Then, there was Ernie, that was actually your friend, but you knew if you were to get paired together all you would do would be chatting. Lastly, there were the Gryffindors, or rather, the Golden Trio. You guessed it would not be bad to be paired with them, as long as you were not paired with Ron, he wasn't very good in Potions actually.

Anyway, if you were to choose the worst house that you could be paired with, that would be the Slytherin house. You did not wish to have anyone taunting you or making you do all the work.

"Potter with Weasley." Slughorn began, and from the way Harry's eyes widened and Ron grinned, you guessed that they did not expect to be paired together.

"Malfoy with Parkinson." the professor continued, and you watched as Pansy grinned widely at Draco, who simply offered her a small smile in return.

"Zabini with Johnson." at the call of your name, your blood froze. Slughorn had paired you, a Hufflepuff, with Blaise Zabini, a Slytherin. It was as if your nightmares were becoming true.

Before you could ponder if you should go to Blaise's desk or stay in your own, you caught sight of Blaise walking in your direction, his face a mask of indifference. He sat down next to you and placed his books on his own side of the table. You glued your eyes on your professor as he continued calling the pairs, and waited for instructions.

"We can work with my book." Blaise suggested out of the blue, before placing his book, open in the correct page, in the middle of the desk. You nodded at him, somewhat surprised and confused at his offer. You set your own book aside and listened carefully to Slughorn's instructions. "I am going to get the ingredients." Blaise said as Slughorn stopped talking, standing up. "Start preparing the cauldron, will you?" he asked, and with that, not waiting for an answer, he walked away from you to get the ingredients.

Your eyebrows shot up in surprise as you lit up a fire under the cauldron and started heating it. Blaise returned some moments later, and started to work quietly, sometimes giving you ingredients for you to put in the potion, so that you did something as well. You mainly stirred the potion, as Blaise cut the ingredients with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Some time later, your potion was ready. You smiled at the outcome, and sat down on your chair as Blaise did the same with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"How come you wish to help?" you asked him after some time of just sitting there staring at the cauldron. The boy turned to you at your question, and you turned your head to look at him, as you started to explain your words. "I've seen some of the other Slytherins, when they are partnered with someone in potions. They usually just let the other do all the work and they sit there supervising the potion. However, you actually helped me, and did most of the work, cutting the ingredients." you said, tilting your head to the side in confusion. "Why did you help me?" you asked him, and Blaise raised an eyebrow at you before answering your question, his tone blank and disinterested.

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