Once Rivals (Teddy)

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Alright everyone, this chapter is dedicated to my dear friend, Nancy_Boy because she likes Teddy and she gave me the idea of this chapter. Nancy_Boy you may not be a Slytherin but you can always imagine? Imagination had always been a trait of yours anyway💚💙. Hope you like it!

You were laying down on the ground in your garden, looking up at the clouds, making them look like something they weren't with your imagination's eye. Your father wasn't home, as he was at work, but your mother was inside, cooking lunch.

The wind moved the clouds, blowing them away slowly. From down there, where you observed the clouds, it seemed as if the power of the wind was miniscule, but you knew better. You knew that the wind applied so much force, that your body would crumble if it was subjected to it, and there was so much pressure up there, that you would be killed in a distant. Funny how something so far away could seem so powerless, when, in truth, if looked at it closer or simply payed more attention to that phenomenon, then you could understand that it was more powerful than you could even want to imagine.

You stood up slightly and broke your gaze to look in the street. No one really came to this part of Godric's Hollow. It was only you and a young couple, the Potters with their four year old son, James, and their two year old younger son, Albus. They were magical, like your mother and you.

Your first signs of magic were revealed last year. This mean girl, Veronica Grey, was making fun of you, and the next second she was levitated up in the air from something, you didn't know what. When you had told your mother as you came back from school, she had explained to you everything about muggles and wizards. Apparently, your father was a muggle, but he knew everything about the wizarding world.

Sometimes, when your parents weren't home, they would send you to the Potters. You loved, and still love, the four of them. Mr Harry is so kind and sweet, and Mrs Ginny cares very much about you, like she propably would if you were her own daughter. James is just adorable, he is like a younger brother to you, and so is Albus. They are something like your second family.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a boy standing just in front of you, blocking you the view of the deserted street. Nothing interesting was happening at the street, however, you scowled. You didn't like it when someone did something you had not told them to. Slowly, you looked up at the boy, uninterested, your scowl deeper than before. The boy had soft chocolate brown eyes and sandy brown hair. He was smiling at you, even if your expression made it quite clear that you did not want him there.

"Hello." he said, a light tone in his voice. "I'm Teddy. I haven't seen you around. What's your name?" he asked curiously and at his words, you raised an eyebrow at him.

"I should be the one to say that I haven't seen you around." you retorted. "I live here. Why are you here?" you asked, rather curtly and rudely. You were not a huge fan of the boy, after all, he was blocking you the view of the deserted street. The boy continued smiling.

"I'm here to see my godfather. You didn't tell me your name." he reminded you softly, and at his words, you narrowed your eyes at him. You hissed your name at him, hoping that the boy would get the message and just leave, but of course, that did not happen. Teddy's smile remained on his face, as he extended a hand to you.

"Nice to meet you." he said, a friendly and light tone in his voice, the kindness matching with his polite attempt at a handshake.

Your eyes widened incredulously at his reaction, your level of annoyance getting higher as you remained at the boy's company. You eyed his extended hand dirtily, making no move to stand up from the ground. As some tense seconds passed, uncertainty passed through Teddy's eyes as he realised that you were not going to shake his hand, and awkwardly, he returned his hand to his side. You continued glaring at his hand as it moved to his side, and then looked up at the boy, only to see that the smile he had plastered on his face the whole time before was now extinguished, and a frown was on his features. He opened his mouth so as to say something else, but a voice calling his and your name made him look at the sound of the voice, on your right.

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