The Gryffindor Prefect (Remus)

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A smile on your face, you sprinted through the brick wall leading to platform 9 and 3/4, ready for another year at Hogwarts. You pushed your trunk and loaded it in the train, before looking around you. You caught no sight of your friends, and so you turned around and got in the train. You got in a compartment and claimed it for yourself and your friends, sat down on the seat next to the window and waited for them to find you. Five minutes later, there was a knock on your door. You looked up to the door, a smile lighting your face instantly. You jumped up and opened the door, enveloping the girl that knocked in a hug. The girl let out a laugh, before hugging you back.

"Woah! You almost threw me off my feet!" your best friend, Lily, said. You chuckled and pulled away.

"Sorry Lils, but it's been almost three months since I last saw you," you exclaimed, Lily grinning at your response.

"Aw I missed you too my little badger. Come on, we have much to catch up on." Lily said, and you nodded at her immediately. Lily chuckled and entered the compartment. She sat down on the seat next to the window and you closed the compartment door behind her, sitting on the seat you were previously occupying, opposite her.

"How do you feel? We are in our sixth year! It seems like yesterday that we were only first years," Lily gushed, and you nodded at her in agreement.

"I feel weird. I mean, sure, getting older and all is nice, but there are times I wish I was a first year all over again. We didn't have so many responsibilities back then," you said, a sigh escaping your lips at the thought of your naive younger self.

"Oh, come on, being a prefect is nice," Lily said, and you smiled at her.

"It sure is," you agreed, your mind flying to another prefect, and you unknowingly blushed a little.

"Oh, I see what you think," Lily said, a knowing look in her eyes. You flushed again, putting your hands on your face to hide it, but it seemed that there was no use for you to do that, as Lily burst out in laughter. "Come on, dear," Lily said once she stopped laughing. "You have to do something with Remus. Get a move on." she said, and you cleared your throat uneasily.

"I'm not brave like you, Lily."

"That's not true." Lily objected, and you rolled your eyes at her stubbornness. "Why would he say no? I mean, look at you!" Lily exclaimed, gesturing at you. You rolled your eyes at her implication that you were beautiful.

"Exactly, look at me!" you retorted, making Lily huff. She was about to say something else, when there was a knock on the door. Both you and Lily turned to the door, only to see Remus standing there, a small smile on his face. Lily rushed to open the door for him, and he got in, not closing the door behind him.

"Hello to both of you," Remus said in a greeting, the smile on his face not leaving his features.

"Hello Remus," you said back, smiling widely at him, and Lily shot you a look, one that you ignored.

"I thought that it would be nice if we walked to the prefect meeting together, you know?" Remus asked, a nervous tone in his voice. Both you and Lily stood up, nodding at him.

"How very thoughtful of you, why thank you, Remus," Lily said, earning a smile in response from Remus.

You walked out of the compartment, Remus following you, and Lily leaving last, closing the door behind her. You walked in the front, the other two catching up to you, Remus on your right and Lily on your left side. You reached the compartment where the meeting would be held, Remus opening the door for you and Lily to come through. You shot him one of your famous bright smiles before getting in, not seeing the way his cheeks coloured a little at your smile at him.

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