The Kitten, the Monkey and the Goldfish (Oliver)

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You snuggled closer to your pillow as the sound of people padding down the stairs woke you up. Not quite wishing to wake up just yet, you closed your eyes tighter than before, hearing someone chuckle at your action. You stiffened at the sound, and quickly, opened one eye.

"Why are you staring at me while I am sleeping?" you asked the redhead, and Percy smiled at you as he sat up from Ginny's bed and sat down on your bed.

"You are not sleeping now, are you?" he asked rhetorically, and you scowled as you stood up. "Come on, we are leaving to Hogwarts today." he probed, and you sighed as you looked up at him.

"Wouldn't want to have our prefect getting late." you mocked, and Percy raised an eyebrow at you as he stood up.

"Careful, cousin, or I'll just whisper something in Oliver's ear." he threatened. Your eyes widened as Percy smirked at you victoriously, thinking he had won. You glared at him, and without thinking that you were in only your pajamas, you lunged at him, both of you falling down to the floor with a thud. Percy groaned as you landed on top of him, but you only glared as you looked at him.

"Don't you dare." you said in a quiet voice, and Percy glared back at you as he tried to stand up, but you, did not let him.

"What's going on here? We heard a thud." Arthur said, walking in the room you and Percy were in. You raised your head to look at your uncle, and Percy groaned once again.

"The fact that my cousin is a kitten that enjoys lunging on people happened." Percy said to his father, who only looked amused as you looked at Percy, glaring at him.

"Me? A kitten? Excuse me, I'm a lioness, and who are you to talk anyway, you deranged monkey?" you asked incredulously, and Percy's eyes widened as he looked at you, and your uncle left the room with a small smile on his face, leaving you and Percy alone in the room.

"Deranged monkey?" the redhead screeched, and you smirked triumphantly at him. Within seconds, Percy had thrown you off of him, and you could not help but burst out laughing at the glare he shot your way. "Get ready, kitten." he growled before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. With a wild smile on your face, you took off your pajamas and put on some regular clothes. You brushed your teeth and hair, and then made your way to the kitchen, dragging your trunk behind you.

"Good morning!" you said cheerfully as you sat down on a spare seat next to Percy.

"Good morning." the twins said in unison, and Ron smiled along with Ginny, as you shot a smile at Harry who smiled back at you.

"Pass me a toast, monkey." you said to Percy, and the boy rolled his eyes before taking your plate and putting a toast in it, and then giving it back to you. "Thank you, monkey."

Percy shot you a look as Harry and the rest of the family except from his dad looked at you confused.

"Since when are we calling Percy a monkey?" Ginny asked, and you barely managed to keep yourself from laughing as Percy smiled slightly at his sister, trying to withhold his annoyance. After all, Ginny was quite young and did not know of your banter.

"We are not calling me a monkey, but we are calling our cousin kitten, if you wish to know."

Immediately, you got serious as you looked at Percy, the boy turning to you, and you started sizing the other up.

"Perfect!" the twins said in unison, and you grew slightly uncomfortable as you smiled at the two. What did they think of now?

"Alright everyone, get in the car." Arthur said, and so, the Weasleys, you and Harry got in the car. Your Uncle with the help of Percy loaded the trunks of the family inside, and then, you started leaving to go to the platform. After turning back for some times because some of the Weasley children had forgotten something, you reached King's Cross Station some minutes before eleven o'clock. You shared a look with Percy as you grabbed your trunk, and the two of you sprinted through the wall, to your relief, seeing the train still there. The whistle blew, and you turned around as Fred, George, Ginny and your Uncle and Aunt reached your side.

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