The Art of Seduction (Ron)

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"Did you see his face?" Ernie asked as he caught up with you and Susan, a huge grin on his face as he reached you.

"See whose face, Ernie?" Susan asked as the boy took the liberty of walking between you and your friend. You exchanged a look with Susan, but said nothing as you let the boy speak.

"Ron's of course! It looked as if he had eaten something really sweet, to say the least. Lavender is shooting him glances all the time, and Hermione is looking really pleased with herself, I don't know why, though." he said, taking a small pause as he seemed to be thinking of the reason behind Hermione's victorious looks. "I think I understood why." he continued, his eyes alight with enthusiasm as he looked first at you, then at Susan. "Hermione is the reason why Lavender and Ron broke up!"

"Don't be silly, Ernie." Susan cut in, rolling her eyes good naturedly at the boy as a small smile appeared on her face. "You are talking about Hermione Granger, remember? She would not do that to anybody." she defended the bushy haired girl as you turned your head away from the two.

"Come on, Susan, have faith in my instinct! I know she has something to do with it!"

"Don't you have something better to do other than talking about other people's lives? You could like, focuse on your own life for once." you cut in, raising an eyebrow at Ernie who scowled at your words.

"No." he said, pursing his lips. "Their lives are much more interesting than mine at the moment." he said, and Susan stifled a laugh as you let out a scoff at the boy's words.

"You do know that's not normal, right?" you teased lightly, and Ernie scowled at your words.

"I'll see you in the common room." he said, a tone of finality in his voice, and you watched, amused, as he changed his route, heading to the dungeons where he had his Potions lesson.

"I don't think that's the only reason you wanted him to stop talking." Susan said to you as you resumed your way to the greenhouses for your Herbology lesson. "Maybe it is because you have feelings for a certain redhead." she continued, and you showed no signs of listening to her words as you continued on your way. "Do not worry, it is not something to be ashamed about."

"Helga, I should have never told you that." you let out, making Susan burst in a fit of giggles.

"Come on, I'm not that bad." she said as she  brushed her shoulder against yours playfully.

"Yes, it is not that bad when you have someone asking you how you feel that the boy you like is currently having a girlfriend and not to mention, his best friend fancies him and glares at any other female talking to him." you said, shooting a look at the girl beside you who let out a small laugh at your words.

"Alright, I admit I was not really helpful over the matter, but now that I think about it, you've never answered my questions. Do tell, how do you feel that he is currently having two girls after him, one that wants to get him back and one that is pretty much hostile to any female addressing him?" she asked, and you let out a sigh at her question.

"I feel awful." you admitted quietly, and Susan frowned at your choice of words. "I would never be able to stand a chance against Lavender or Hermione. They are both way better than I am. They could easily make him notice them, but I would not be able to do so without making a fool of myself. Do you understand what I mean?" you asked her in slight desperation, and the girl let out a sigh at your words.

"First of all, you do have a chance against them. And I don't understand why you think they are better than you! You are loved within the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw house, and there are also Gryffindors that like you, and not to mention that there is also your cousin in Slytherin. Lavender is not even liked among the Gryffindors, and Hermione is popular only among the Gryffindors, us Hufflepuffs don't particularly like her because she is almost always around Harry, and we still don't like Harry after the Triwizard Tournament. As for the Ravenclaws and Slytherins, they would never like Hermione, the first because they don't get a chance to answer in class and the second because they see her as a threat on their way to greatness. So, you are way better than both of them, and I don't want you to ever think of yourself as inferior to them." Susan said, making you smile slightly at her words.

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