The Black Bride (Regulus)

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This one-shot was requested by GalaxyEmi. I loved her idea of writing about the Black brothers, and I simply could not stop writing for this one. It is the longest one-shot I have ever written (you wouldn't wish to know how many words this is) and I could say it is my favourite yet. GalaxyEmi I hope you like it! I would love to hear your opinion as this is the first request I've ever written.
Anyone who wishes to request something can do so by sending me a message!
See you another time!


"Sweetheart, get ready!"

"For what mother?" you asked, leaving your toys to the side as you made your way to the room next to yours where your mother was, folding the clothes she had ironed.

"Did you forget?" she asked as she saw you by the door, a small smile on her young face. "We are going to see Sirius and Regulus."

Your eyes widened at her words, and immediately, a wide smile appeared on your face. Your mother chuckled as you ran away to wear your coat, the smile not leaving your face for a second. You were about to see your friends again!

Among all the play dates between you and the rest of the pureblood children, you liked playing with Sirius and Regulus the most. You and Sirius were the same age and you had found long ago that you enjoyed the same things. When in the same place, the two of you were inseparable. You ran by your father who sat at the living room reading the Daily Prophet and grabbed your coat, trying to put it on but failing.

"Where are you going?" the man asked as he stood up to help you put your coat.

"I'm going to visit Sirius and Regulus!" You exclaimed with a grin as you looked up at your father who helped you put on your coat with a small smile on his face.

"Have fun then."

"Are you ready?" your mother's voice came from somewhere behind your father. The man turned around as she walked forward to stand next to him.

"Yes, mother, I'm ready."

"Then we should leave." she mumbled before turning to your father. The man reached down to press a soft kiss on her lips, and you, let out gagging noises at the sight like the good little girl you were. The man scowled at the sound and your mother laughed before pressing a small kiss on his cheek. "I'll see you later, love." she murmured, and after shooting him a last glance she took your hand and led you outside the house.

"Why do you keep doing this?" you asked curiously as the two of you walked to the place the house of the Black family was located. Your families lived really close.

"Doing what?" your mother asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looked down at you.

"Kissing in front of me! It is disgusting!"

"Why would me loving your father be disgusting?"

"I don't want to see this! Too much contact!"

"Have I ever told you about the bee-"


"Then what's your problem?"

"I don't want to see it!" you exclaimed, the whine in your childish voice making your mother chuckle.

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