Awkward (Neville)

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You made your way to the Great Hall for breakfast alone, since you had gotten up a little earlier than usual for whatever reason. The Hufflepuff common room, even if it was exceptionally warm and cosy, was too lonely for your liking as no one was in there, and so, in need of seeing someone, you had made your way to the Great Hall.

You opened the doors and got inside, only to frown slightly as the only other people there were two students from Ravenclaw that did not even look up from the essays they were completing as you got inside. You glanced up at the professor's table, and you barely stifled a groan. The table was completely empty. Not even the professors were there.

What had possessed you this morning to make you wake up this early, you did not know, but what you knew was that it was a completely distasteful feeling. Even if you had gotten in the Great Hall, you were still lonely. Maybe the option of staying in the Hufflepuff common room would have been better.

You sat down at your table and put some food in your plate. The day to follow your breakfast would be a hard one, what with having Defence Against the Dark Arts as your first class and Transfiguration as the second. Snape and McGonagall were the most strict professors of the school, and they were teaching in your opinion the two most difficult classes; Defence Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration. If only all professors were like professor Sprout, the school would be a lot more enjoyable.

The woman was friendly and always willing to help, and no matter how many times you asked her to repeat something she still did with patience you had previously not known a human being could master. She was truly one of a kind, and it was unfair to you that some students did not like her as much. Some of them even underestimated her value as teacher and witch. If only they got to know her better, you were sure they would change their minds about her.

The doors leading to the Great Hall opened and you looked up, hoping that the person to get inside would be one of your friends or a house mate. It came out to be neither as Neville Longbottom got inside. The boy scanned the room, and you noticed a small frown appearing on his lips as he realised that there was no Gryffindor in the Hall. He looked at the two Ravenclaws who were doing their essays and then turned his attention to the Hufflepuff table.

He offered you a small smile and made his way to you. You smiled back at him, feeling your cheeks turn red as you looked at the boy. You inwardly cursed yourself in your mind. Stupid blushing.

"Good morning." he mumbled as he sat down opposite you, his cheeks turning a pink colour.

"Hello Neville. How did you sleep?" you asked him, trying to stir some kind of conversation with him without looking him in the eye, being too shy to do so.

"Pretty well, how about you?"

"It was nice, even if I did wake up a little earlier than usual." you replied, your eyes anywhere but at him. You could feel your cheeks burning, and you bowed your head to your food so that it would not be so noticeable. You started eating your breakfast, trying your best to remain cool, but that try had long failed as you were as red as a tomato.

"That's a pity. Why did you wake up this early?"

"I do not have the slightest idea." you admitted quietly, your words bringing Neville to chuckle. You looked up at him with a small smile on your face, and the boy, as he noticed your smile, blushed. You could not help but think he looked cute while blushing. "How come you woke up this early, Neville?"

"I always wake up at this hour." he said simply, and you nodded at him. "It is a real pity we don't have Herbology today, right?"

"Indeed." you agreed as you looked up at the boy. Both of you had taken NEWT level Herbology. You were one of the few that did, and you had to admit to yourself, it was a really nice class. It did not have many people in it, and all of them respected Professor Sprout, making your work in the class more entertaining and enjoyable. Truth was that you had always liked the class, even when there were more people in the greenhouses, but now, that the plants were more dangerous than before and you were learning about more difficult things, you simply loved the class, and Neville seemed to share the same beliefs as you when it came to this. "But at least we have that class tomorrow."

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