Dragon Tamers (Charlie)

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"Are you following Miss?" the man that was to show you around the facility asked you.

"Yes, thank you for showing me around." you said softly at the man, looking around at the facility. The scenery was bare, since the dragons had burnt most of the place around. In the distance, you could see smoke rising, and you guessed that this was the place the dragons were kept. A small smile appeared on your face at the thought.

"Morning Charlie." the man that was previously showing you around said, and at the sound of his voice, you turned to look to the man named Charlie. He was thin and muscular, no doubt a dragon tamer. His hair was red, like dragonfire, and his eyes were blue, like the clear water. In surprise and disbelief, you noticed that you actually knew that man.

"Morning John." Charlie answered, briefly looking up to greet him, but as he looked up, he saw your form behind the man and stopped short on his feet. His eyes regarded you curiously, and then, a form of realisation seemed to register on his eyes, as he offered you a small smile. "I know you." he said, taking a step closer to you. "You were in Percy's year." he continued, and you offered him a small smile and a nod.

"Indeed, I was. You are his brother, Charlie Weasley, right?" you asked, and the man nodded at your words.

"It seems you know each other, then." the man named John said from your right side, and both of you turned to his direction. "Charlie, do you mind leading her to the dragon cages? She is the one in charge of the female Norwegian Ridgeback." the man continued, and at his words, Charlie turned in surprise to you.

"Very well. Thank you, John, I'll lead her from here." the redhead said, before gesturing to you to follow him. You complied, and walked next to him to the dragon cages. "How come you chose to train as a dragon tamer?" Charlie asked you as you walked, and at his question, you couldn't help but smile.

"I love dragons, they are my favourite creatures. My parents wanted me to turn out like them, to go have a nice job in the Ministry, and I would do exactly that, you know." you said, looking sideways at the man who was facing his front, listening in your words. "Then, one night I thought about it, and so, I decided that there was no point doing a job that I did not like, and so, I told my parents that I was going to be a dragon tamer, and that's what I did." you finished, and Charlie nodded at your words.

"You were a Ravenclaw, right?" he asked, and you nodded at his words.

"Yes, I was. I'm surprised you actually remember that." you said truthfully, and the man smiled slightly before nodding at you.

"This is where we keep our dragons." he said, gesturing to the facility in front of you. Your eyes widened and a huge smile appeared on your face as you saw all the cages and the dragons inside. "Let me show you to your own dragon." Charlie continued, and so, the two of you walked in between dragon cages, cages that were about as huge as a manor each, letting the dragons move freely around the metal bars. As you neared the end, you noticed that there were houses from there, and above the houses, was a moving picture of a dragon.

"This is your dragon." Charlie said, gesturing to a Norwegian Ridgeback in a cage. "She is named Norberta." the man continued, and you looked at the female dragon with a grin on your face. Norberta, was sleeping, smoke flying from her nostrils as she breathed out.

"She is beautiful." you muttered, looking in awe at the dragon in the cell in front of you.

"She is." Charlie agreed, before flashing a small smile at you. "These are the houses of the dragon tamers that have a specific dragon on their lookout." the man continued, leading you to the direction of the apartments. He stopped in front of a small house made of oak wood. In the center of the door, was a moving picture of a dragon; Norberta. In the photograph, Norberta was roaring, fire leaving her open mouth. Her wings were open wide, and, overall, she did not seem to be very friendly.

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