A Fresh Start (Neville)

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THIS CHAPTER CAN BE EXTREMELY SAD TO SOME! It depends on your personality, I've warned you, read ahead if you wish. 

"Get up!" Alecto bellowed out, glaring hatefully at the man laying on the ground in front of her. Neville groaned as he struggled to get up, his body weakened from the use of the Cruciatus Curse on him. You closed your eyes as he got up, only to be shot by the curse once again. You wished Neville did not have to endure such pain, and you wished you did not watch so many of your classmates suffer in the hands of the heartless Death Eaters. Someone grabbed your hand, and you opened your eyes to see Pansy as she looked at you, trying to provide you with some sense of comfort.

You were a Slytherin. One of the few that did not meet much punishment. Being the cousin of Draco Malfoy and best friend of Pansy Parkinson, the rest of the Slytherins respected you, but that could not be said for the rest of the students. They did not trust you, even if you had done nothing ever wrong to them.

The excruciating cries of pain from Neville made you look at the man. He writhed around in agony, and McGonagall let out a small whimper as she averted her gaze from the student. She stood next to Flitwick and Sprout, all of them looking shattered at what they were seeing. You could not blame them.

You were in the courtyard, and the noise had made all students to come out along with the professors. You had seen Snape surveying the scene from a window in the castle, and you had caught sight of Yaxley, Dolohov and Rabastan Lestrange in the crowd. Alecto and Amycus were in the front, grinning sadisticly as the woman tortured the poor man. Your hold on Pansy's hand tightened as the other three Death Eaters walked forward. As they were seen, Alecto stopped torturing Neville as they came to stand next to her.

"Everyone, go back to your common rooms." Amycus ordered, and at his words, Seamus and Ginny quickly ran forward and grabbed Neville, before going back in the castle, dragging their Gryffindor friend with them. You left Pansy's hand as turned to Draco next to you, and after sharing a look, the two of you started making your way to the Slytherin common room.

"Draco Malfoy!" Yaxley yelled, and at the name, both you and Draco froze. You could see the rest of the students stop as they turned to look at the scene, and you caught sight of the professors standing to the side, waiting with dread to see what would come. Your cousin brushed past you as he headed to the center of the courtyard, knowing that he should better obey. He stopped just in front of the five Death Eaters, his face and eyes blank as he gave a nod to each of them, but noone returned his motion.

"We heard that you are not taking part in the torturing of the students." Rabastan said coldly, and you paled at his words. Next to you, Pansy almost ran to Draco, but Theodore held her back just in time.

"Is it true?" Dolohov asked as Amycus and Alecto took some steps back. Draco did not answer. From the corner of your eyes, you saw Snape leave the window from where he had been watching the scene before and get down to the courtyard.

"Answer us, boy!" Yaxley roared, but Draco did not answer as he looked blankly at the ground below him.

"Have it your way then." Lestrange said in the same tone as before. "Crucio!"

A scream left Draco's lips and his eyes screwed shut at the pain. Theodore grabbed Pansy tighter than before as a look of horror spread across her face, but no one had thought of restraining you.

"No!" you yelled, and without thinking, ran to Draco's direction. Your voice attracted the eyes of everyone around the courtyard, and just as Draco was about to collapse, not able to stand any longer, you slid an arm around his waist as you took out your wand. "Stupefy!" you yelled, your curse hitting Rabastan, throwing him to the wall behind him. You grabbed Draco tightly so that he would not fall, and glared hatefully at the rest of the Death Eaters.

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