'V' for Vendetta (Scorpius)

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You looked around you at the famous platform 9 and 3/4. It was your first time in Hogwarts as a first year, and you simply couldn't wait to start school. Your parents and your two siblings emerged from the brick wall you just ran into and you smiled at the awed faces of your two little brothers. They were twins, so it was like you were seeing two people acting exactly the same, it was pretty amusing.

Your father put a hand on your shoulder and smiled at you. Your mother hugged you tightly, making you smile. You heard her sniff and, affected by her emotions, you felt tears gather in your eyes as well.

"Don't cry mum." you mumbled. She pulled away and smiled brightly at you.

"My eldest child is going to Hogwarts." she said proudly and you smiled softly at her.

"I'm going to be home for Christmas, and I will write to you. Don't worry, mum." you assured her. Your mother grinned and kissed your forehead.

You turned to your brothers. You opened your arms and they ran to you, making you giggle.

"We'll miss you, big sis." they said in unison and you giggled again.

"I'll miss you too, Michael and Gregory. But I'll see you soon. And I'll write you if you wish."

"You mean owl us." Michael cut in.

"It doesn't have any difference." you defended with a roll of your eyes.

"It does." Gregory insisted and you raised an eyebrow at the two of them. They simply grinned at you and you struggled to keep a stern expression.

"Whatever." you said, no longer able to resist the urge to smile, as you smiled a soft smile at them. You stepped back and looked at your father. He stepped forward and hugged you tightly, and you responded in the same way.

"I'll miss you, dad." you said. He kissed your forehead and pulled back, still holding you on arm's length.

"Now, try to have fun." he said with a small smile and you grinned at him. "Watch for bad boys." he added and you giggled with a roll of your eyes next to show him he was being childish.

"Don't worry dad, no boy is going to hurt me." you assured him. He smiled down at you. The next second, someone was shoved to your side and you lost your balance momentarily before your father steadied you. You looked at the one who shoved you with a glare, to see a boy around your age with platinum blonde hair. He didn't even glance up to see who he had hit.

"Sorry." he said briefly before skipping to the train. You glared at his back before turning back to your father.

"Who was that?" you hissed and he raised an eyebrow at your rare hostility towards the boy.

"Scorpius Malfoy." he answered. You scoffed. Of course he was a Malfoy, platinum blonde hair, who else could have that colour of hair?

"That Scorpius Malfoy is going to regret hitting me." you said dangerously, making that last statement of yours a promise in your mind, and your father raised an eyebrow at you, an amused look in his eyes and a small smirk on his face. He shook his head after a while and you grinned sheepishly at him. You stepped back and took your suitcase before looking at your family.

"I'll see you soon! Goodbye!" you exclaimed. You waved and they waved back at you, as you took some steps back to leave. Your mother opened her mouth to say something but you weren't able to hear her, as the whistle of the train blew, and you hurried to get into the train. You couldn't wait for your first year to start. That, and your revenge on the poor boy that knocked on you, Scorpius Malfoy.


Third year

You made your way in the library, a small frown on your lips. You really hated that place. You walked to a table in the far corner of the library, not wishing to be disturbed under any circumstances. For some reason, you could not really understand anything in Transfiguration that last month. Even if you knew you should have studied sooner to make things better for you, you were too bored to do so.

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