The Girl He Hardly Noticed (James)

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Sitting at the Great Hall with your friends, you were playing with your food as they talked and laughed. Your best friend had noticed your mood, but you had asked her to say nothing about it until you got back to your dormitory, so, she had been a good friend and had been patiently waiting for an explanation ever since.

It wasn't like you had woken up in that melancholic, depressing mood. No, you had actually woken up feeling rather cheery and thinking that this day could be a good one. You were clearly wrong at that.

Everything had started like usual. It was a Monday, and your first class for the day, was History of Magic. None of your friends took that class, unfortunately. So, you took your breakfast and then headed over to the classroom. You took your seat at the back of the class and waited for your classmates to join you.

As the students got inside, soon, two of the most famous people in the castle entered as well. They were half of the Marauders, as the rest of their team hadn't chosen NEWT level History of Magic. James Potter and Remus Lupin got inside, and you couldn't help but watch as they took their seats at the desk on your left. Like every time you saw them, your eyes didn't stay on Remus as they stayed glued on James.

He was simply great, and you really liked him. You thought he had a great personality and that he was rather good looking as well. He was friendly with you every time he saw you, especially during Charms, as he had been assigned to sit next to you and Lily Evans hadn't taken the class.

Like he usually did, this morning too he caught your eyes as he got over to his desk and sent you a charming smile. He asked about your well being and you did the same before you both turned away from each other. Some mornings, he would actually chat with you, and this was one of these mornings. At least, that had been the case until Lily Evans got in the room.

His eyes stayed glued on her form as she got inside and without sending a glance at him, moved over your way and sat down beside you. Lily was a friend and you sat together during History of Magic. She knew how you felt about James and everyone was aware that he had feelings for her. She had tried to make him stop pining after her for years, and even though he had kind of stopped doing that now and you knew she was trying her best, you just couldn't ignore how his attention only remained on you for as long as she wasn't there or how this made you feel.

You just weren't Lily. And you did understand his attraction towards her. After all, you were just a Hufflepuff, someone he didn't know all that well, you weren't as smart as Lily and in your humble opinion, she was more beautiful than you too. It was hard not liking Lily.

After that incident and even though Lily ignored him and he eventually looked away, you didn't feel all that great. And now in the Great Hall, you could see James sitting with his friends, joking around and stealing glances over at Lily sitting at the end of the table.

This could no longer continue. You had to do something about your feelings, this had been going on for too long. You had been humiliated enough already.

Your thoughts remained just that though as your friends finished with their food and you all left to go to your next class. Potions was next, and with James not taking the class, you finally could stop thinking about it. As you took your seat, you sent a smile at Lily as she got inside and then turned to your partner.

You thought nothing of the incident until you got back to your dormitory with your best friend. As soon as you had entered, she started asking you questions.

"What happened?"

"You know Mary, the usual," you sighed as you sat down on your bed. "James was talking to me like he usually does until Lily walked in and he completely forgot about me."

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