Be Careful (Theo)

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"Welcome to Hogwarts," Snape drawled from the front of the Great Hall. Alecto and Amycus Carrow stood on either side of him, watching the students below with smirks on their lips. Professor McGonagall, sitting beside Alecto, didn't look all too pleased with the arrangement.

"The Forbidden Forest is out of bounds for every student and Mr Filtch, our Caretaker, is here to ensure that every troublemaker gets punished the way they should," Snape continued, looking around the Great Hall in apathy, his eyes staying on the Gryffindor table for a second longer than necessary. You exchanged a look with Ernie, the frown on your lips deepening. You didn't like the way this was going.

"Defence Against the Dark Arts  and Muggle Studies are now compulsory classes, taught by Amycus and Alecto Carrow, your new professors." Snape paused once again as he looked around the Hall, before speaking up once again. "For those of you that don't know, I am Professor Snape, Headmaster of Hogwarts. I expect the best from you." He looked around the room once again. "You are dismissed."

Almost instantly, the students stood up and started leaving the Hall quickly, you being one of those students that hurried to get away from the room. Ernie was by your side the whole time, not questioning your abrupt retreat but seemingly encouraging it. The moment you stopped, he was there to push your forward, making way for both of you to pass. It seemed like the further away you were from that place the Death Eaters were at, the better. You only stopped when you reached a less crowded corridor.

"This is ridiculous," Ernie scoffed as soon as you stopped. "We have to leave this place, now."

"Leave?" you asked softly, "We can't leave. What will our classmates say?"

"I don't care," he shook his head, "I don't care as long as I make sure that we are both safe and out of here."

"We can't leave them alone, that would be like betraying them! And how could we ever leave? There are Dementors around the school, Ernie. It's impossible for us to leave without drawing attention to ourselves."

"We could still try," he insisted as he grabbed your hands, bringing you to look up at him. "I can't have you getting hurt. You are my cousin, just think-"

"I don't want you getting hurt either but we really can't leave them alone," you insisted as you squeezed his hands back. "We have to stay back and resist."

"Careful with your words." You jumped as you turned to the unexpected voice, only to see Theodore Nott, a well-known Slytherin in your year, walking towards you. You could feel all blood draining from your face as you realised that he had heard you. He could as well go and tell everything to Snape and the Carrows.

In an instant, Ernie was in front of you, seemingly protecting you from the Slytherin's gaze. Still, you tilted your head to the side, eager to see what he would say next.

"I don't mean to harm you," Theodore spoke, mainly to Ernie before turning at you. "I was just meaning to warn you. Be careful of what you say or do. The castle is no longer safe."

With a nod at your direction, he turned around and headed to the corridor leading to the Slytherin common room, leaving you and Ernie standing alone in the corridor, wandering if you had finally got mad.

There was no way Theodore Nott had just tried to help you.


From that time Theodore had warned you to be careful, you made sure to speak about the situation of the school only to those you trusted and only behind closed doors, so that nobody would hear. You were all the more cautious, worried that there was a chance that the Carrows would punish you. Most Gryffindors had already been punished at least once, and you certainly didn't want to end up with bruises or any injuries. So, you kept quiet.

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